School of Pharmacy

Publications in the Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapies Division


TAI, GUANGPING, POLAK, JULIA M, BISHOP, ANNE E, CHRISTODOULOU, IOANNIS and BUTTERY, LEE D K, 2004. Differentiation of osteoblasts from murine embryonic stem cells by overexpression of the transcriptional factor osterix. Tissue Engineering. 10(9-10), 1456-66

CALDER, J D F, BUTTERY, L, REVELL, P A, PEARSE, M and POLAK, J M, 2004. Apoptosis--a significant cause of bone cell death in osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British). 86(8), 1209-13

TELFORD G, WILKINSON LJ, HOOI DSW, WORRALL V, GREEN AC, COOK DL, PRITCHARD DI and GRIFFITHS GD, 2004. An in vitro investigation of the effects of the nerve agent pretreatment pyridostigmine bromide on human peripheral blood T-cell function International Immunopharmacology. 4(12), 1455-1466

CHAMBERS, L., WOODROW, S., BROWN, A.P., HARRIS, P.D., PHILLIPS, D., HALL, M., CHURCH, J.C.T. and PRITCHARD, D.I., 2003. Degradation of extracellular matrix components by defined proteinases from the greenbottle larva Lucilia sericata used for the clinical debridement of non-healing wounds British Journal of Dermatology. 148(1), 14-23

CHHABRA, S.R., HARTY, C., HOOI, D.S.W., DAYKIN, M., WILLIAMS, P., TELFORD, G., PRITCHARD, D.I. and BYCROFT, B.W., 2003. Synthetic analogues of the bacterial signal (quorum sensing) molecule N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone as immune modulators Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 46(1), 97-104

PRITCHARD,D.I., HOOI,D.S., WATSON,E., CHOW,S.C., TELFORD,G., BYCROFT,B.W., CHHABRA,S.R., HARTY,C., CAMARAGARCIA,M.M., DIGGLE,S.P. and WILLIAMS,P., 2003. Bacterial quorum sensing signalling molecules as immune modulators. In: HENDERSON, B. and OYSTON P.C.F., eds., Bacterial evasion of host immune responses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 201-221

PRITCHARD, D.I., GIROD, N., BROWN, A.P., CADDICK, R., HOOI, D.S., QUINNELL, R.J., JOHNSON, S. and EGGLETON, P., 2003. The hookworm calreticulin conundrum. In: Calreticulin 2nd. Kluwer Academic Publishers BV, Dordrecht, NL. 238-247

BROWN, ALAN, FARMER, KINLEY, MACDONALD, LOUISE, KALSHEKER, NOOR, PRITCHARD, DAVE, HASLETT, CHRIS, LAMB, JONATHAN and SALLENAVE, J-M, 2003. House dust mite Der p 1 downregulates defenses of the lung by inactivating elastase inhibitors. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 29(3 Pt 1), 381-9

HOROBIN, A J, SHAKESHEFF, K M, WOODROW, S, ROBINSON, C and PRITCHARD, D I, 2003. Maggots and wound healing: an investigation of the effects of secretions from Lucilia sericata larvae upon interactions between human dermal fibroblasts and extracellular matrix components. British Journal of Dermatology. 148(5), 923-33

GIROD, N, BROWN, A, PRITCHARD, D I and BILLETT, E E, 2003. Successful vaccination of BALB/c mice against human hookworm (Necator americanus): the immunological phenotype of the protective response. International Journal for Parasitology. 33(1), 71-80

PRITCHARD, D.I., 2003. Immune recognition of bacteria and bacterial evasion of immune responses. In: Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 201-221

PHILLIPS, CLAIR, COWARD, WILLIAM R, PRITCHARD, DAVID I and HEWITT, COLIN R A, 2003. Basophils express a type 2 cytokine profile on exposure to proteases from helminths and house dust mites. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 73(1), 165-71

WILLIAMSON, ANGELA L, BRINDLEY, PAUL J, ABBENANTE, GIOVANNI, DATU, BENNETT J D, PROCIV, PAUL, BERRY, COLIN, GIRDWOOD, KAREN, PRITCHARD, DAVID I, FAIRLIE, DAVID P, HOTEZ, PETER J, ZHAN, BIN and LOUKAS, AL, 2003. Hookworm aspartic protease, Na-APR-2, cleaves human hemoglobin and serum proteins in a host-specific fashion. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 187(3), 484-94

SALEM, A.K., ROSE, F.R.A.J., OREFFO, R.O.C., YANG, X., DAVIES, M.C., MITCHELL, J.R., ROBERTS, C.J., STOLNIK-TRENKIC, S., TENDLER, S.J.B., WILLIAMS, P.M. and SHAKESHEFF, K.M., 2003. Porous polymer and cell composites that self-assemble in situ Advanced Materials. 15(3), 210-213

UNSWORTH, J. M., ROSE, F. R. A. J., WRIGHT, E., SCOTCHFORD, C. A. and SHAKESHEFF, K. M., 2003. Seeding Cells into Needled Felt Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A. VOL 66(PART 2), 425-431
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