School of Pharmacy

Publications in the Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapies Division


PEARSON, R.G., MOLINO, Y., WILLIAMS, P.M., TENDLER, S.J.B., DAVIES, M.C., ROBERTS, C.J. and SHAKESHEFF, K.M., 2003. Spatial confinement of neurite regrowth from dorsal root ganglia within nonporous microconduits Tissue Engineering. 9(2), 201-208

QUIRK, R.A., KELLAM, B., BHANDARI, R.N., DAVIES, M.C., TENDLER, S.J.B. and SHAKESHEFF, K.M., 2003. Cell-type-specific adhesion onto polymer surfaces from mixed cell populations. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 81(5), 625-628

ZHANG, J., ROBERTS, C.J., SHAKESHEFF, K.M., DAVIES, M.C. and TENDLER, S.J.B., 2003. Micro- and macrothermal analysis of a bioactive surface-engineered polymer formed by physical entrapment of poly(ethylene glycol) into poly(lactic acid) Macromolecules. 36(4), 1215-1221

DEXTER, S.J., CAMARA, M., DAVIES, M. and SHAKESHEFF, K.M., 2003. Development of a bioluminescent ATP assay to quantify mammalian and bacterial cell number from a mixed population Biomaterials. 24(1), 27-34

DE BANK, P.A., KELLAM, B., KENDALL, D.A. and SHAKESHEFF, K.M., 2003. Surface engineering of living myoblasts via selective periodate oxidation Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 81(7), 800-808

RICCALTON-BANKS, LISA, LIEW, CLAIRE, BHANDARI, RENA, FRY, JEFFREY and SHAKESHEFF, KEVIN, 2003. Long-term culture of functional liver tissue: three-dimensional coculture of primary hepatocytes and stellate cells. Tissue Engineering. 9(3), 401-10

SHAKESHEFF, K. and HOWDLE, S., 2003. Gently does it supercritical fluids produce protein delivery systems cleanly and at low temperatures Chemistry in Britain. 39(12), 30-32

YANG, X.B., GREEN, D.W., ROACH, H.I., CLARKE, N.M.P., ANDERSON, H.C., HOWDLE, S.M., SHAKESHEFF, K.M. and OREFFO, R.O.C., 2003. Novel osteoinductive biomimetic scaffolds stimulate human osteoprogenitor activity--implications for skeletal repair. Connective Tissue Research. 44(Suppl 1), 312-7

YANG, X., TARE, R.S., PARTRIDGE, K.A., ROACH, H.I., CLARKE, N.M.P., HOWDLE, S.M., SHAKESHEFF, K.M. and OREFFO, R.O.C., 2003. Induction of human osteoprogenitor chemotaxis, proliferation, differentiation, and bone formation by osteoblast stimulating factor-1/pleiotrophin: osteoconductive biomimetic scaffolds for tissue engineering. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 18(1), 47-57

SAKHALKAR, H.S., DALAL, M.K., SALEM, A.K., ANSARI, R., FU, J., KIANI, M.F., KURJIAKA, D.T., HANES, J., SHAKESHEFF, K.M. and GOETZ, D.J., 2003. Leukocyte-inspired biodegradable particles that selectively and avidly adhere to inflamed endothelium in vitro and in vivo Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(26), 15895-15900

TEARE, K.A., PEARSON, R.G., SHAKESHEFF, K.M., RAISMAN, G. and HAYCOCK, J.W., 2003. ά-MSH inhibits inflammatory signalling in olfactory ensheathing cells. NeuroReport. 14(17), 2171-2176

KELLAM, BARRIE, DE BANK, PAUL A and SHAKESHEFF, KEVIN M, 2003. Chemical modification of mammalian cell surfaces. Chemical Society Reviews. 32(6), 327-37

SHAKESHEFF, KEVIN M., HOWDLE, STEVEN M., FELICITY, R. A. J., YANG, ROSE X. Y. and OREFFO, RICHARD O. C., 2003. Biomimetic scaffolds for tissue engineering: Controlled protein delivery and self-assembly after injection Tissue Engineering. 9(4), 810

YANG, XB, WHITAKER, MJ, CLARKE, NMP, SEBALD, W, HOWDLE, SM, SHAKESHEFF, KM and OREFFO, ROC, 2003. In vivo human bone and cartilage formation using porous polymer scaffolds encapsulated with bone morphogenetic protein-2 Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 18(7), 1366-1366

SHAKESHEFF, KEVIN, 2003. Delivering therapeutic cells and proteins to enhance tissue regeneration Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology: Science Proceedings of the British Pharmaceutical Conference, September 15-17, 2003. 55, S96
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