

Find out more about the ways in which social science researchers at Nottingham
are exploring Communication through the content below.

BLOG: People make the journey to net zero

Inevitably the focus in the debate about net zero is often on the big things: the scale of the challenge, the size of the commitments, and the radical technological innovation that we all hope will help control global heating and create a sustainable, liveable world. However achieving net zero isn't just about technology. If we are going to reach net zero we are all going to have to live differently.

BLOG: The elephant's journey

China is facing huge challenges to balance economic growth and biodiversity protection. This is particularly true in its remote and mountainous margins and poverty-stricken rural areas, mainly located in western China. In this article, our researchers examine a recent incident that provides some hope for improvement.

PODCAST: Sustainability in Business

Ben is joined by super-special-guest-host Gabrielle Bunn to talk sustainability, bringing the social sciences into big projects for everyone's benefit and more with Judy Muthuri and Hannah Noke from the University of Nottingham and Daniela Salite from Aston University.

PODCAST: Sustainability in Business

Ben is joined by guest host Gabrielle Bunn to talk sustainability, bringing the social sciences into big projects for everyone's benefit and more with Judy Muthuri and Hannah Noke from the University of Nottingham and Daniela Salite from Aston University.

Blog: Building more effective tools for environmental education

Educational resources that target children's sense of agency are key in supporting behavioural change. To combat climate change we need to understand how to design and implement these into the curriculum most effectively, argues Jonathan Halls.

Short article: Enterprise, communities and climate change: the mobilisation of ideas

Entrepreneurship can be just as much about responding to pressing challenges as it is about creating wealth. At the Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, current research shows how responsible entrepreneurship can change behaviours to reduce carbon usage within those communities most affected by climate change.

Research paper: Public perceptions of demand side management and a smarter energy future

This research paper examines public perceptions and acceptability of a range of current DSM possibilities in a representative sample of the British population. It explores concerns over climate change, affordability, and acceptance of new technology to understand barriers to adopton of new technologies.

SHORT: Government's role in promoting wood burning stove emissions

Based on an analysis of over 18,000 government records of heating and cooking appliances exempt from smoke control rules, and interviews with air pollution officers from local councils across the UK, the research shows how the Deregulation Act 2015 opened the door to a market of stoves exempt from urban air pollution controls (see graph).

SHORT ARTICLE: The great outdoors – reimagining teaching and learning

After the world started opening up again post-Covid, and our relationship with the outdoors had been reimagined, Dr Jenny Elliott started working with a small group of colleagues from within the School of Education to think about the potential for developing an outdoor learning and community space on Jubilee Campus.

SHORT ARTICLE: Exploring the Rights of Children and Future Generations

This short article examines the importance of the relationship between children's rights and future generations' rights for International Human Rights Law.
Displaying 1 to 10 of 18
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