School of Politics and International Relations

Student Voice

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In the School of Politics and International Relations, students and staff work together to improve the student experience.

Through our Student Staff Forum (SSF), Student Fund and course reps we ensure our students have the opportunity to influence their academic life and make a meaningful impact.

We have highlighted here some of the ways you can shape your experience in the school.

If you have questions on the ways you can make your voice heard, please contact Andrew Denham, Chair - Student Staff Forum and Student Experience Officer.

Speak to your student and course reps

Find out how you can contact your student and course reps to discuss any issues you may have with your academic experience. Access a list of current course reps on the Student Information Hub on Moodle.

Submit ideas to the SSF

The Student Staff Forum gives your course reps the chance to work with academic colleagues on the feedback they have received from you.


Student Fund

The school encourages its students to broaden their experience and enhance their skills. Find out if the Student Fund can aid your academic development.

Take part in the National Student Survey

Students in their final year have the opportunity to influence the academic experience for their fellow students via the National Student Survey (NSS).



School of Politics and International Relations

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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