School of Psychology

BSc Psychology with International Study

Nobbys beach - Newcastle NSW

International Student Exchange Opportunities


Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience life as a student in another country. Through an extensive network of exchange links we offer a variety of opportunities to study part of your degree overseas and boost your university experience

See what Karl Miller, BSc Psychology with International Studies graduate, has to say about the program.

Why did you choose to study abroad?

I wanted to spend some time abroad during my degree, so applying for the study abroad scheme was the perfect opportunity to do this. I especially wanted to explore a new country and try living somewhere new.

How was the application process?

The application process was fairly easy. The international office offer loads of advice through things like the study abroad fair where you can talk to students who have previously studied abroad. The international office also offered advice relating to things like visas and health insurance.


What was it like studying abroad?

At first I did have some concerns. Although I was excited, the idea of moving to the other side of the world was quite daunting. However these concerns disappeared after my first week, and I a lot of fun living somewhere different and trying something new.

What were your highlights?

The biggest highlight was definitely the amount of traveling I got to do. Because Australian seasons are the opposite of the season in the UK (Christmas is in the middle of summer), I got 3 months to travel in the middle of my year abroad. I went all around Australia to places like Melbourne, the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, and many others.


Our Psychology with International Study course is ideal for those looking to challenge themselves and boost employability, as well as gain some valuable personal experiences. Before considering an application, have a look at our various international study options.


School of Psychology

University Park
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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