NKT Photonics
Hollow Core Fibers for Quantum Sensing Applications

The PhD project is a joint project between NKT Photonics and DTU Fotonik, and a shorter secondment is planned at one of the network partners. The research within this scholarship will focus on design and fabrication of hollow-core fibres with large cores and novel bandgap structures, which are to be used for cooling and guiding atomic gasses.
The gas-filled hollow-core fibres will be used by network partners to form chip based atom-light interfaces in the development of a quantum sensor based on electro-magnetic field measurements. The PhD project is mainly focusing on developing the hollow-core fibres, but the candidate will also participate in the filling of fibres with atomic gasses in cooperation with network partners.
The project will involve numerical modelling of hollow-core fibre designs, fabrication of hollow-core fibres in cooperation with NKT Photonics’ production team, experimental characterization and subsequent gas-filling of the fibres.