Our research is focused on Time & Frequency Standards, measurement of Inertial Forces, and Field Sensing. Our network comprises a range of complementary research projects, which we grouped here by their role in the innovation process of future technology: Concepts, Technologies, and Applications. Most of these projects offer the opportunity for young researchers to join our efforts as PhD students (Early Stage Researchers). Three of the projects are open to Experienced Researchers (one in each group).
Optical strontium clock
University of Birmingham
Contact: Kai Bongs
E-mail: k.bongs@bham.ac.uk
Ytterbium lattice clock
University of Hamburg
Contact:Christoph Becker
E-mail: cbecker@physnet.uni-hamburg.de
Guided matterwave Sagnac interferometer
Contact:Wolf von Klitzing
E-mail: wvk@iesl.forth.gr
Chip based light-atom interface
University of Nottingham
Contact: Thomas Fernholz
E-mail: Thomas.Fernholz@nottingham.ac.uk
Limits of TOP-TAAP traps
Contact: Wolf von Klitzing
Design and fabrication of HC-PCF
NKTP Photonics
Contact: Christina Olausson
E-mail: cbo@nktphotonics.com
Hollow-core fibre based microwave clock
University of Limoges
Contact: Fetah Benabid
E-mail: f.benabid@xlim.fr
Chip-based, atomic surface probe
Contact: Peter Krüger
E-mail: Peter.Kruger@nottingham.ac.uk
Laser cooling in hollow-core fibers
Long distance atom guiding in hollow-core fibers
Contact: Patrick Windpassinger
E-mail: pwindpas@physik.uni-hamburg.de
Specialized laser systems
Contact: Juergen Stuhler
E-mail: juergen.stuhler@toptica.com
Atom chip structures on membranes
Contact: Leo Gross
E-mail: LGR@zurich.ibm.com
Superconducting gravity sensing
Contact: Jeremy White
E-mail: jeremy.white@arkex.com
Integrated, fiber-based frequency standards
Contact: Jan Hald
E-mail: jha@dfm.dtu.dk
Mobile atomic gravity gradiometer
School of Physics & Astronomy, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK Email: thomas.fernholz@nottingham.ac.uk
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