University of Nottingham

Directions and maps

From Superbude to ZOQ

Route to the Institute is bus line 3, Bernstorffstraße just outside the hotel to Trabrennbahn Bahrenfeld. The closest entrance to the Institute is via side Luruper Chaussee. 

Directions from Superbude to ZOQ

Other locations

Lunch break

Mensa (Kantine)

Poster session

Building CFEL (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science)
University of Hamburg, Campus Bahrenfeld

Directions from ZOQ to CFL

University of Hamburg 

Lab Tours (DESY)

Direction to DESY campus



Superbude Hotel has been booked for all participants (excl. students from University of Hamburg) from 30th August-3rd September 2015.


QTeaPS Quantum Sensor Technologies and Applications Postgraduate Symposium


Universität Hamburg
