Translational field-scale phenotyping
We are extending our ability to grow and analyse crops in the field. New equipment will allow scientists to replicate field experiments under controlled conditions with instrumentation to measure, in detail, the crop and the environment.
Improving field experiments
New equipment includes:
- Rover flurocam
- Canopy chamber and assocaited IRGAs to measure canopy photosynthesis
- Critical point dryer - Leica EM CPD 300
- Plant eye F500 3D scanner
- Thorvalds R research robot
- LICOR 6800
- Airphen multipec
- Soil resistivity
- Root-shoot phenotyping in the Hounsfield Facility
- Portable XRF Tracer 5i SD
- Li-6800 portable photosynthesis system
- Accessories and training for Tracer 5i SD