I Didn't Want to Get Married: Using Zines to Increase Understanding About the 'Honour'-Based Abuse, Forced Marriage, and Modern Slavery Relationship

Rights Lab project lead: Lauren Eglen
Funder: AHRC
Duration: February 2023 - October 2023
Programme: Law and Policy
Download the Zine here
There remains, among stakeholders and members of the public, a general lack of understanding about honour-based abuse and forced marriage, particularly the difference between arranged and forced marriages. This lack of understanding has resulted in a lack of reporting; failure to identify experiences as HBA; and an uneven quality in support services across the UK. This project has received AHRC Follow-on Funding and builds on work carried out as part of the AHRC-funded project "To Have and To Hold: Understanding the Relationship Between Forced Marriage and Modern Slavery’ (AH/S012788/1). In collaboration with national HBA charity Karma Nirvana, and Glasgow-based community organisation Survivor Arts Community, this project aims to increase education and awareness amongst the public and key stakeholders about the nature of HBA and forced marriage, as well as their relationship to modern slavery.
It is essential that this education and awareness is survivor-informed, and therefore we will engage and empower UK survivors of HBA using arts-based methods, through participation in workshops on painting, creative writing, and illustration to produce creative outputs for exhibition, and a zine providing insights from lived experience. The zine will be displayed at zine festivals in the UK, deposited in zine libraries, and published online. We hope that the zine will change how people understand the root causes and people's experiences of forced marriage and HBA in the UK, its connections to modern slavery, and the tools required to tackle it.
Download our reports:
Honour Based Abuse:Perspectives from Lived Experience - Zine
Adolescents Vulnerable to Forced Marriage: evidence to the Public Accounts Committee?
Submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights and Forced Marriage:Covid-19, Human Rights and Forced Marriage