
Pathways Through Liberation: Revealing Survivors' Support Journeys Outside of the UK National Referral Mechanism


Funder: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
December 2020-August 2023
Project Lead: 
Andrea Nicholson, Deanna Davy, Alison Gardner and Carole Murphy (St Marys University)
Law and Policy
St Marys University, Antislavery Coordinator for the Welsh Government, Independent Antislavery Commissioner.
Twitter: @supportpathways

About the project

In 2018, only 6,993 potential victims were referred to the NRM (including children). Of those, little is known about what happens to the majority of survivors after they reach the 'cliff edge' of support at the end of their time in the NRM, but there is some evidence that survivors are experiencing homelessness and destitution, and are at risk of further exploitation. Even less is known about the outcomes and support interactions of those who decline to enter the NRM, or who exit prematurely. The ongoing journeys and outcomes for these individuals are not routinely monitored by most support organisations or by governmental authorities. Data is not collected on the numbers of suspected victims of modern slavery who choose not to enter the NRM or who exit NRM services prematurely, or their reasons for doing so.

Our project will address this knowledge gap. We will be working with survivors to record and share their experiences of recovery and of their encounters with state and third sector services, and we have third sector commitment to facilitate interviews with survivors across the UK to reveal their non-NRM support journeys. We will focus on three distinct cohorts: 1) Potential victims who have chosen not to enter the NRM; 2) those who have consented to enter the NRM but exit NRM support services prematurely; and 3) those who have exited NRM services following the completion of the NRM support period. Our research will show what changes are necessary to enable survivors to recover more quickly, and provide them with the stability to co-operate in bringing their exploiters to justice, increase engagement with the NRM, and achieve sustained liberation.

Pathways to Liberation (PDF)

Briefing: NRM Training Needs (PDF)

Take our survey 

We are recording how UK-based survivors of modern slavery experience support services provided outside the NRM. 

For this study we would like to gather the views of survivors who:

  • have chosen not to enter the NRM; or
  • have consented to enter the NRM but left NRM support services early; 
  • have exited NRM services following completion of the support period 

The survey has been translated into 11 different languages.

Click here to take the survey in your chosen language


For any queries about this study, please contact

 Download our report:

Pathways to Liberation

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