All in! Regularising ethnic presence in the curriculum

Project Overview

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Descriptive representation matters, including in the curriculum, and mainstreaming perspectives that are not the traditional white, European, middle class, male approaches is very important for increasing retention, engagement, and the attainment of other demographics.

The importance of mainstreaming more diverse perspectives has been highlighted under many guises, starting with critical pedagogy in the 1960s and proliferating into other analytical frameworks, such as hidden curriculum, critical race pedagogy and more recently, decolonising the curriculum.

Each of these frameworks addresses a slightly different aspect of the same underlying phenomenon: the decisions we make about what and how we teach and student expectations, can either foster inclusion or perpetuate social and ethnic inequalities.

Project team 


Vipin Chauhan
Research Fellow,
School of Politics and International Relations


Andrew Fisher
Principal Investigator,
Department of Philosophy


Helen McCabe
School of Politics and International Relations


Helen Williams
Principal Investigator,
School of Politics and International Relations



All in! Regularising ethnic presence in the curriculum

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 84 68165