Key aims and expertise
We take a highly interdisciplinary approach to antimicrobial resistance, making use of key facilities, including the on-site university of Nottingham dairy farm, and local waste water treatment plants, as well as national facilities at the Research Complex at Harwell. Our research includes traditional microbiological culturing techniques, modern genomics and metagenomics using short and long read platforms, microscopy, structural biology, mathematical models of microbial populations and complex microbiomes, and classical and Bayesian inference methods for fitting models to data.
Current projects
Recent papers
Hooton SP, Pritchard AC, Asiani K, Gray-Hammerton CJ, Stekel DJ, Crossman LC, Millard AD and Hobman JL. 2021. Laboratory stock variants of the archetype silver resistance plasmid pMG101 demonstrate plasmid fusion, loss of transmissibility and transposition of Tn7/pco/sil into the host chromosome. Frontiers in Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.723322
Arya S, Williams A, Vazquez Reina S, Knapp CW, Kreft J-U, Hobman JL and Stekel DJ 2021. Towards a general model for predicting minimal metal concentrations co-selecting for antibiotic resistance plasmids. Environmental Pollution 275: 116602.
Doidge C, West H, Kaler J. Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Escherichia coli Isolated from Sheep and Beef Farms in England and Wales: A Comparison of Disk Diffusion Interpretation Methods. Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Apr 16;10(4):453. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10040453. PMID: 33923678; PMCID: PMC8073771.
Arya S, Todman H, Baker M, Hooton S, Millard A, Kreft JU, Hobman JL and Stekel DJ. 2020. A generalised model for generalised transduction: the importance of co-evolution and stochasticity in phage mediated antimicrobial resistance transfer. FEMS Microbiology Ecology: fiaa100.
Antibiotic and Metal Resistance in Escherichia coli Isolated from Pig Slaughterhouses in the United Kingdom
H Yang, SH Wei, JL Hobman, CER Dodd 2020
Antibiotics 9 (11), 746
L. Hobley, J.K. Summers, R. Till, D.S. Milner, R.J. Atterbury, A. Stroud, M.J. Capeness, S. Gray, A. Leidenroth, C. Lambert, I. Connerton, J. Twycross, M. Baker, J. Tyson, J-U. Kreft, R.E. Sockett. (2020) “Dual predation by bacteriophage and Bdellovibrio can eradicate E. coli prey in situations where single predation cannot.” Journal of Bacteriology DOI: 10.1128/JB.00629-19