Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group


BORSI, K. and DURMAZ, B., eds., 2012. Proceedings of the Conference Designing Place: International Urban Design Conference University of Nottingham.

NICOLE PORTER, 2012. Place branding and urban design: intangible values and tangible effects In: Designing Place.

WASANA DE SILVA, JONATHAN HALE and NICOLE PORTER, 2012. Performing Place Kandy Sri Lanka In: Designing Place.

NICOLE PORTER, 2012. Bowen Place Crossing At: Landscape Architecture Australia

NICOLE PORTER, 2012. A conversation about art and adoption: healing / revealing Australian Journal of Adoption. 5(2),

WANG, Q., 2012. From isologic to non-isologic, the transition of symbolic communication In: International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Society - ICKCS 2012. 44-49

The Revitalization of the Paleozoological Museum of China: Postgraduate Students Projects Exhibition 2012. At: The Paleonzoological Museum of China04/02/2012 00:00:00-06/02/2012 00:00:00.

WANG, QI and DEANE, DARREN, 2012. Nottingham 100: Excellent Design Projects from the Department of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Nottingham China Architecture and Building Press. (In Press.)

WANG QI, 2012. The Langage of Architecture: a study on the structure of signification within the scope of the built environment In: Conference of Spatial Perspectives: Architecture and Literature, 1850 - Present, Oxford University.

JORDAN KAUFFMAN, 2012. Review of Sketches of Frank Gehry by Sydney Pollack Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. 71(2), 244-245

HALE, J., 2011. Phenomenology & Existentialism. In: OTS, E., ed., Decoding Theoryspeak: An Illustrated Guide to Architectural Theory Abingdon: Routledge. 93-94 and 167-168

HALE, J., 2011. Construind Idei: O Introducere in Teoria Arhitecturii (Romanian edition of Building Ideas: An Introduction to Architectural Theory, trans. Cosmin Caciuc). Bucharest: Editura Paideia.

HOURSTON HANKS, L., 2011. Nation, city, place: rethinking nationalism at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. In: WINDSOR LISCOMBE, R., ed., Architecture and the Canadian fabric University of British Columbia Press. 341-362

RAMSAY, J., 2011. Building the ark: Noah's ark nursery, Jouberton, Transvaal. In: BEACOCK, P., MAKSTUITIS, G. and MULL, R., eds., Intercultural interaction in architectural education ASD, London Metropolitan University.
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Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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