Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group


WANG QI, 2011. A Story Within the Dinosaur’s Gallery: Academic Symposium hold by The Paleozoological Museum of China

WANG, QI, 2011. Rethinking the Reactive Exhibition: Academic Symposium hold by Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Library of Science

KAMEL, E. and HALE, J., 2010. Conflicts of Identity: Conservation and Cultural Heritage Meaning Management. In: LIRA, S. and AMOEDA, R., eds., Constructing Intangible Heritage Barcelos: Green Lines Institute. 87-100

HANKS, L.H., 2010. Island identities: the Pier Arts Centre, Orkney arq: Architectural Research Quarterly. 14(3), 222-236

BECCARELLI, P., ROMOLI, E., ROSINA, E. and ZANELLI, A., 2010. Textile shelters for archaeological areas: a change in the preservation of cultural heritage In: Tensile Architecture: Connecting Past and Future, Proceedings of the TensiNet Symposium, 16-18 September 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria. 1-11

HEATH, T., ZHU, Y. and TANG, Y., 2010. Eco-Urbanism: towards sustainable city living In: International Symposium on Eco-Urbanism, Shanghai Expo, China. 10

HEATH, T. and TANG, Y., 2010. Beijing's hutong and siheyuan: conservation of an urban identity Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Municipal Engineer. 163(3), 155-161

HEATH, T., TANG, Y. and ZHU. Y., 2010. The revitalization and conservation of 19th century historical industrial quarters in the UK In: 2nd International Symposium on Architecture Heritage Preservation and Sustainable Development, Tianjin, China, 20-21 September 2010. 18-24

BORSI, K., 2010. Anthologie zum Städtebau, Von der Stadt der Aufklärung zur Metropole des industriellen Zeitalters Vol.I., Lampugnani V., Perotti E. and Frey K. (eds.). Gebrüder Mann Verlag, Zürich, 2008: Book Review European Architectural History Network. 3, 44-47

NICOLE PORTER, 2010. Brand Blue Mountains: a landscape promotion and production In: Emerging Landscapes: between representation and production.

PORTER, N., 2010. Experiencing contemporary 'nature': virtual and physical designed landscapes of the Blue Mountains, Australia Technoetic Arts: a Journal of Speculative Research. 8(2), 149-158

NICOLE PORTER, 2010. Australian War Memorial At: Landscape Architecture Australia (128)

NICOLE PORTER, 2010. Wolgan Valley Resort and Spa At: Landscape Architecture Australia (126)

LEI, YANHUI and WANG, QI, 2010. Study On The British Laws And Codes Of Rural Planning

HALE, J. and SCHNÄDELBACH, H., 2009. Moving city: curating architecture on site. In: CHAPLIN S. and STARA, A., eds., Curating architecture and the city Routledge. 51-61
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Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86257