Breast Surgery

Clinical Trials

The Breast Surgery group has been involved in clinical trials of breast cancer over the last 30 years - including, surgery, endocrine and growth factor therapies, radiotherapy, immune-based therapies. The group has over the last 25 years researched every class of endocrine agent and more recently also a number of the new growth factor therapies.

Professor John Robertson has been Chief Investigator on a large number of national and international multi-centre Phase 2 and Phase 3 randomised controlled trials. We have also participated in and contributed to many other phase 2 and 3 trials as local principal investigator(s).




Our research has led to the introduction of the first medical abalative therapy for pre-menopausal women with advanced breast cancer. Professor Robertson’s work over the last 20 years on the pure anti-oestrogens, particularly fulvestrant (Faslodex), has made a significant contribution to its clinical impact and uptake.

The group has been at the forefront of the clinical trials on anti-progresterone therapies – these have shown both the potential and also the side-effects as well as differences by type of anti-progesterone agent – and as a result it is clear further research is required before this class of agent is ready for routine clinical use. This is also true for other agents the Division has assessed – eg gefitinib and ganitumab.

Selected publications


Selected publications 2013-2008



Breast Surgery

The University of Nottingham
Royal Derby Hospital
Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3DT

telephone: +44 (0) 1332 724622