IDDON, C., JONES, B., SHARPE, P., CEVIK, M. and FITZGERALD, S., 2022. A population framework for predicting the proportion of people infected by the far-field airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 indoors: Building and Environment Building and Environment. 221, LAVERGE, J., JONES, B., WARGOCKI, P., RODE, C., ABADIE, M., ROJAS, G., QIN, M. H., ZHANG, J. S., GUYOT, G., KOLARIK, J., DELGHUST, M., HANOUNE, B. and ASHRAE,, 2022. Energy Efficient IAQ Management in residential buildings At: Athens, GREECE HOLGATE, S., GRIGG, J., ARSHAD, H., CARSLAW, N., CULLINAN, P., DIMITROULOPOULOU, S., GREENOUGH, A., HOLLAND, M., JONES, B., LINDEN, P., SHARPE, T., SHORT, A., TURNER, B., UCCI, M., VARDOULAKIS, S., STACEY, H. and HUNTER, L., 2021. Health Effects of Indoor Air Quality on Children and Young People JONES, B., SHARPE, P., IDDON, C., HATHWAY, E. A., NOAKES, C. J. and FITZGERALD, S., 2021. Modelling uncertainty in the relative risk of exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus by airborne aerosol transmission in well mixed indoor air: Building and Environment Building and Environment. 191, MOLINA, C., JONES, B., HALL, I. P. AND SHERMAN, M. H., ET AL, 2021. CHAARM: A model to predict uncertainties in indoor pollutant concentrations, ventilation and infiltration rates, and associated energy demand in Chilean houses: Energy and Buildings Energy and Buildings. 230,
NEWMAN, B., JOSEPH, K., CHAUHAN, A., SEALE, H., LI, J., MANIAS, E., WALTON, M., MEARS, S., JONES, B. and HARRISON, R., 2021. Do patient engagement interventions work for all patients? A systematic review and realist synthesis of interventions to enhance patient safety: Health Expectations Health Expectations. AANENSEN, DAVID M.; ABUDAHAB, KHALIL; ADAMS, ALEXANDER; AFIFI, SAFIAH; ALAM, MOHAMMED T.; ET AL. LANCET MICROBE, 2020. An integrated national scale SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance network 1(3), O'LEARY, C., DE KLUIZENAAR, Y., JACOBS, P., BORSBOOM, W., HALL, I. and JONES, B., 2019. Investigating measurements of fine particle (PM 2.5 ) emissions from the cooking of meals and mitigating exposure using a cooker hood: Indoor Air Indoor Air. SOUSA, GUSTAVO, JONES, BENJAMIN M., MIRZAEI, PARHAM A. and ROBINSON, DARREN, 2018. An open-source simulation platform to support the formulation of housing stock decarbonisation strategies Energy and Buildings. 172, 459-477 DE SIMON, LIA, IGLESIAS, MARCO, JONES, BENJAMIN and WOOD, CHRISTOPHER, 2018. Quantifying uncertainty in thermophysical properties of walls by means of Bayesian inversion Energy and Buildings. 177, 220-245 SOUSA, GUSTAVO, JONES, BENJAMIN M., MIRZAEI, PARHAM A. and ROBINSON, DARREN, 2017. A review and critique of UK housing stock energy models, modelling approaches and data sources Energy and Buildings. 151, 66-80 JONES, B.M., 2017. Metrics of Health Risks from Indoor Air The REHVA European HVAC Journal. 54(3), 39-44 JONES, B. and MOLINA, C., 2017. Indoor Air Quality. In: Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies Elsevier. 197-207 TAYLOR, JONATHON, DAVIES, MIKE, MAVROGIANNI, ANNA, SHRUBSOLE, CLIVE, HAMILTON, IAN, DAS, PAYEL, JONES, BENJAMIN, OIKONOMOU, ELENI and BIDDULPH, PHILLIP, 2016. Mapping indoor overheating and air pollution risk modification across Great Britain: A modelling study Building and Environment. 99, 1-12 JONES, B.M., COOK, M.J., FITZGERALD, S.D. and IDDON, C.R., 2016. A Review of Ventilation Opening Area Terminology: Energy and Buildings Energy and Buildings. 118, 249-258 JONES, B.M., COOK, M.J., FITZGERALD, S.D. and IDDON, C.R., 2016. Air of Credibility CIBSE Journal. May 2016, 39-40 HAMILTON, IAN, MILNER, JAMES, CHALABI, ZAID, DAS, PAYEL, JONES, BENJAMIN, SHRUBSOLE, CLIVE, DAVIES, MIKE and WILKINSON, PAUL, 2015. Health effects of home energy efficiency interventions in England: a modelling study: BMJ Open BMJ Open. 5(4), JONES, B., DAS, P., CHALABI, Z., DAVIES, M., HAMILTON, I., LOWE, R., MAVROGIANNI, A., ROBINSON, D. and TAYLOR, J., 2015. Assessing uncertainty in housing stock infiltration rates andassociated heat loss: English and UK case studies: Building and Environment Building and Environment. 92, 644-656 O'LEARY, C, LOFTHOUSE, S and JONES, B, 2015. Mitigating Occupant Exposure to PM2.5s Emitted by Cooking in High Occupancy Dwellings Using Natural Ventilation Strategies In: 36th Air Infiltration and Ventilation Center Conference. Madrid, Spain.. 549-558
CHALABI, ZAID, DAS, PAYEL, MILNER, JAMES, DAVIES, MIKE, HAMILTON, IAN, JONES, BENJAMIN, SHRUBSOLE, CLIVE and WILKINSON, PAUL, 2015. Risk analysis of housing energy efficiency interventions under model uncertainty Energy and Buildings. 109, 174-182 JONES, B.M., LOWE, R.J., DAVIES, M, CHALABI, Z, DAS, P and RIDLEY, I, 2014. Modelling uniformly porous façades to predict dwelling infiltration rates Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. 35, 408-416 JAMES MILNER, CLIVE SHRUBSOLE, PAYEL DAS, BENJAMIN JONES, IAN RIDLEY, ZAID CHALABI, IAN HAMILTON, BEN ARMSTRONG, MICHAEL DAVIES and PAUL WILKINSON, 2014. Home energy efficiency and radon related risk of lung cancer: modelling study BMJ. 348, TAYLOR, JONATHON, SHRUBSOLE, CLIVE, BIDDULPH, PHILLIP, JONES, BENJAMIN, DAS, PAYEL and DAVIES, MICHAEL, 2014. Simulation of pollution transport in buildings: the importance of taking into account dynamic thermal effects Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. TAYLOR, J, DAVIES, M, MAVROGIANNI, A, CHALABI, Z, BIDDULPH, P, OIKONOMOU, E, DAS, P and JONES, B M, 2014. The relative importance of input weather data for indoor overheating risk assessment in dwellings Building and Environment. 76, 81-91 DAS, PAYEL, SHRUBSOLE, CLIVE, JONES, BENJAMIN, HAMILTON, IAN, CHALABI, ZAID, DAVIES, MICHAEL, MAVROGIANNI, ANNA and TAYLOR, JONATHON, 2014. Using probabilistic sampling-based sensitivity analyses for indoor air quality modelling Building and Environment. 78, 171-182 TAYLOR, J, SHRUBSOLE, C, DAVIES, M, BIDDULPH, P, DAS, P, HAMILTON, I, VARDOULAKIS, S, MAVROGIANNI, A, JONES, B.M. and OIKONOMOU, E, 2014. The modifying effect of the building envelope on population exposure to PM2.5 from outdoor sources Indoor Air. Accepted for publication, TAYLOR, J., SHRUBSOLE, C., BIDDULPH, P., JONES, B., DAS, P. and DAVIES, M., 2014. Simulation of pollution transport in buildings: The importance of taking into account dynamic thermal effects: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. 35(6), 682-690 TAYLOR, J., SHRUBSOLE, C., DAVIES, M., BIDDULPH, P., DAS, P., HAMILTON, I., VARDOULAKIS, S., MAVROGIANNI, A., JONES, B. and OIKONOMOU, E., 2014. The modifying effect of the building envelope on population exposure to PM2.5 from outdoor sources: Indoor Air Indoor Air. 24(6), 639-651 DAS, P., CHALABI, Z., JONES, B., MILNER, J., SHRUBSOLE, C., DAVIES, M., HAMILTON, I., RIDLEY, I. and WILKINSON, P., 2013. Multi-objective methods for determining optimal ventilation rates in dwellings Building and Environment. 66, 72-81 JONES, B.M., DAS, P, CHALABI, Z, DAVIES, M, HAMILTON, I, LOWE, R.J., MILNER, J, RIDLEY, I, SHRUBSOLE, C and WILKINSON, P, 2013. The Effect of Party Wall Permeability on Estimations of Infiltration from Air Leakage International Journal of Ventilation. 12(1), 17-29 JONES, B.M., CHALABI, Z., DAS, P., DAVIES, M., HAMILTON, I., LOWE, R.J., MAVROGIANNI, A., ROBINSON, D., SHRUBSOLE, C. and TAYLOR, J., 2013. A stochastic approach to predicting the relationship between dwelling permeability and infiltraiton in English apartments In: 34th Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, 3rd TightVent, 2nd Cool Roofs', and 1st Venticool Conference. 199-209
MAVROGIANNI, A, DAVIES, M, TAYLOR, J, OIKONOMOU, E, RASLAN, R, BIDDULPH, P, DAS, P, JONES, B.M. and SHRUBSOLE, C;, 2013. The unintended consequences of energy efficient retrofit on indoor air pollution and overheating risk in a typical Edwardian mid-terraced house In: FutureBuild 2013.
JONES, B M, DAS, P, CHALABI, Z, DAVIES, M, HAMILTON, I, LOWE, R.J., MILNER, J, RIDLEY, I, SHRUBSOLE, C and PAUL WILKINSON, 2012. The Relationship Between Permeability And Infiltration In Conjoined Dwellings In: The 33rd AIVC Conference and 2nd TightVent Conference: Optimising Ventilative Cooling and Airtightness for [Nearly] Zero-Energy Buildings, IAQ and Comfort. 55
JONES, BM, KIRBY, R and KOLOKOTRONI, M, 2008. Quantifying the performance of a top-down natural ventilation Windcatcher In: 29th AIVC Conference, Kyoto, Japan. 231-236
JONES, BM, KIRBY, R, KOLKOTRONI, M and PAYNE, T, 2007. Air Quality Measured in a Classroom Served by Roof Mounted Natural Ventilation Windcatchers At: 2nd PALENC and 28th AIVC Conference, Crete Island, Greece
JONES, B.M., PHILLIPS, G, O'LEARY, C, MOLINA, C., HALL, I.P. and SHERMAN, M.H., Diagnostic barriers to using PM2.5 concentrations as metrics of indoor air quality In: AIVC 2018. Smart Ventilation for Buildings.
MOLINA, C, JONES, B.M., KENT, M and HALL, I.P., A stochastic approach to estimate uncertainty in pollutant concentrations in an archetypal Chilean house In: AIVC 2018. Smart Ventilation for Buildings.
O'LEARY, C, JONES, B.M. and HALL, I.P., Estimated distributions of PM2.5 concentrations in the kitchens of the English housing stock for infiltration and mechanical ventilation scenarios In: AIVC 2018. Smart Ventilation for Buildings.
O'LEARY, C, JONES, B.M. and HALL, I.P., An intervention study of PM2.5 concentrations measured in domestic kitchens In: AIVC 2018. Smart Ventilation for Buildings.
SHERMAN, M.H., JONES, B.M. and WALKER, I, Economics of Indoor Air Quality In: International conference on Energy, Environment and Economics.
RINCON, G., QUINTANA, G. M., GONZALEZ, A., BUITRAGO, Y., GONZALEZ, J. C., MOLINA, C. and JONES, B., PM2.5 exceedances and source appointment as inputs for an early warning system: Environmental Geochemistry and Health Environmental Geochemistry and Health.