Caring To The End

Taking Part

Son helping outYou can take part in the project if you are:

  • Age 16-24
  • Living with a parent who has a life-limiting illness and is thought to be in the last year of life

If you would like to take part, the researcher, Nicola Turner, will contact you to tell you all about the study and answer any questions. You will also be asked to sign a consent form.

Nicola will then arrange a convenient time and place to meet with you to talk about your experience of living with a parent in the last year of life. The interview will take approximately one hour. There will be time for you to say anything you think is important. If you are in agreement, the conversation will be recorded.

You will also be invited to suggest up to two more people in your family who might be willing to take part in the study; for example, a parent, a sibling, a grandparent or someone else who is important to you. This will help us to understand more about your family, but if you do not want anyone else to take part, that is fine.

You can find out more about taking part in the study from the Participant Information Form (PDF)

If you would like to take part, just fill in the form on the contact us page and Nicola will get back to you.

Caring To The End

The University of Nottingham
Sue Ryder Care Centre for the Study of Supportive, Palliative and End of Life Care
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)743 402 3847