Centre for Critical Theory

News and events

Upcoming events

Punching Above its Weight - Nottingham in the Context of Britain's Queer History

  • Time: 11am-1pm, Tuesday 18 February 2025
  • Speaker: David Edgley (Nottinghamshire’s Rainbow Heritage)

This public lecture, delivered by guest speaker David Edgley from Nottinghamshire’s Rainbow Heritage, will offer a brief survey of the UK’s queer history, heritage and activism, with a focus on those relevant to Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

It will start with the 1885 Labouchere amendment and include the imprisonment of Oscar Wilde, banning of The Well of Loneliness, the 1948 Kinsey report, the arrest of Alan Turing, the outing of April Ashley and the 1967 Sexual Offences Act and its deficiencies leading up to Section 28. It will then move on to the positive legislation from 2000 onwards.

This workshop type of public lecture may include interactive ‘thought exercises’ about what constitutes homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and how to deal with them.

  • Chair: Dr Hongwei Bao (Associate Professor in Media Studies)
  • Place: Trent Building B46, University Park Campus
  • Accessibility information: This venue is wheelchair friendly. Access guide

Register (free)

Speaker’s Bio:

David Edgley was born in 1945. He did a postgraduate course at the University of Nottingham in 1966. He was involved with gay rights group CHE between 1971 and 1982. He helped start Notts LGBT+ Network (formerly Switchboard) in 1975 and acted as treasurer and fundraiser for that group for 35 years.

He launched Nottinghamshire's Rainbow Heritage LGBT+ history project in 2008 and provided LGBT+ awareness training for over 100 organisations/groups.

David produced newsletters for several organisations:

  • Chimaera (1972-82) for CHE
  • I'm Free for Outhouse/Switchboard (2003-5)
  • QB for GAI project/Switchboard (1998-2003) and for Switchboard/Network (2005-2024)
  • Notts Rainbow Review for Nottinghamshire's Rainbow Heritage (2024 onward).

Past events


Poetics of Migration Book Launch

Poetics of Migration Book Launch

Time: 7.30pm, 3 October 2024
Place: Nottingham Playhouse Neville Studio

Do you, or does anyone you know, have a migration experience? How do you tell stories about that experience through poetry? What fascinating stories are there in Nottinghamshire?

Poetics of migration is a performance night that celebrates the creativity of migrants, refugees and ordinary people in Nottinghamshire. Around fifteen performers will perform their poetry on stage and share their stories about language, home, food, identity, community and social justice.

The event will launch a poetry collection, featuring seventy poems, essays and illustrations from more than thirty people with close connections to Nottinghamshire. The book includes contributions from over thirty authors with roots in Nigeria, Jamaica, India, Cyprus, Uruguay, Austria, Ireland, Wales, China, and more. The poems, written by emerging and established poets from diverse ethnic, cultural and migratory backgrounds, remember and recreate home, call for social justice, and celebrate Nottingham as a city of sanctuary to become.

Poetics of Migration is a community arts project that brings together people living in or connected to Nottinghamshire to share migration stories through poetry.  Funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council via the University of Nottingham and supported by Notts Poetry and Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum, the project draws attention to overlooked migrant and refugee experience; it also celebrates migrant agency and creativity.

This is a fund-raising event. All the ticket and book sales will be donated to Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum.


Poetics of Migration: Poetry Workshops for Refugees and Migrants

Call for Participants 

Discover the transformative power of expression: Notts Poetry, in collaboration with Nottingham Refugee Forum and University of Nottingham, warmly welcomes refugees, families, and those affected by migration to share their stories through words and visual art. Together, we'll explore the depths of loss, while honouring the resilience and beauty of finding love and meaning amidst displacement. Join us in shaping a narrative of strength, compassion, and solidarity. 

What to Expect:

  • Engaging writing and art activities facilitated by experienced poets and artists.
  • A supportive and inclusive environment where all voices are valued and respected.
  • Opportunities for reflection, sharing, and building connections with fellow participants. 

Dates and Times:

  • Wednesday, 1 May: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Saturday, 18 May: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Wednesday, 22 May: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Saturday, 1 June: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM 


Nottingham Central Library (1 Carrington St., Nottingham NG1 7FH)

Information for Participants:

  • No previous experience of reading and writing poetry is required. All levels of familiarity with poetry are welcome. The workshops are free to attend after registration. Participants can choose to attend one workshop or multiple workshops. Workshops are relatively independent, and one does not need to attend one before attending another. Priority will be given to people with past or current refugee status.
  • Workshop places are limited. Please cancel your booking or let the organiser know if you are no longer able to attend a workshop so the place can be given to other interested participants.
  • The project aims to put together and launch a poetry collection this autumn, showcasing work from the workshop participants. The project team will have the first rights to publish work produced through the workshops. Authors can choose to publish their work under their real names or under pseudonyms.
  • Part of the workshops and the autumn showcase events will be photographed and videotaped for promotion purposes. Participants will be notified of photography and videography in advance and given an opportunity to opt in or out.

Project background:

This project is supported by an AHRC IAA grant from the University of Nottingham, led by Dr Hongwei Bao, as part of the University’s initiative to reach out to communities and to advocate the importance of arts in society.

This event draws on the Poetry of Austrian poet in exile Maria Lazar (1895-1948) whose lost works were found in a garage in Nottingham and formed the nucleus of “Poetry from Exile: finding love and meaning when living with displacement” an anthology of poems published by Notts Poetry in 2023.  Maria Lazar now has two plays running in Austrian Theatres and a new novel “Zwei Soldaten” came out this year.


For more information:



Towards Global Ways of Knowing: Exploring Epistemologies of the Indian Ocean Worlds

Research Workshops
Tübingen: 21-22 March 2024
Nottingham: 6-7 June 2024

Call for Papers

Modern human knowledge, as is known today, has been largely built on the epistemologies of the West and the Global North through processes of colonial expansion, capitalist globalisation and cultural imperialism; it also privileges cultural experiences in specific geographical locations such as the Atlantic and the Pacific. In the Indian Ocean Worlds which include much of Africa and Asia and where the majority of the Global South countries are located, a wide range of knowledge practices and ways of knowing have long existed. However, they have been underexplored or even dismissed as ‘unmodern’ or ‘unscientific’, excluded from the modern knowledge system. Examples include: alternative understandings of the body and wellbeing through traditional medicines and healing methods, multiple ways of feeling and knowing the world without privileging the visual experience, and creative modes of relating to the world without recourse to personal identity and the individual self. The project asks: What are some of the indigenous and decolonized epistemologies in the Indian Ocean Worlds? How have they been practised by people on the ground in these regions? How can these knowledge and experiences be successfully incorporated into global epistemologies, for instance, how can they be used to inform innovative teaching and research in global universities?

This project, jointly funded by the University of Nottingham’s International Collaboration Grant and the University of Tübingen’s Global Counters Platform and the Excellence Strategy, explores global and indigenous epistemologies in the Indian Ocean Worlds. It imagines the Indian Ocean Worlds as spaces for conceptual and theoretical building towards decolonised knowledge. It seeks to bring together researchers from the two universities and beyond to exchange ideas and workshop papers, with the aim of putting together an edited book for publication based on selected papers from the workshops.

The core part of the project consists of two research workshops, held respectively in Tübingen in March 2024 and in Nottingham in June 2024. We welcome scholarly papers from different, and intersecting, disciplines and scholarly fields, including but not limited to critical theory, cultural studies, Asian studies, African studies, Indian Ocean studies, Afro-Asian linkages, inter-Asian exchanges, Afro-Arab crossroads, sociology, anthropology, history, geography, and international relations.

Researchers are welcome to submit a 300-word (max.) abstract and a 150-word (max.) biography note, together with their contact information (i.e. Email address) to the workshop co-organisers: Dr Hongwei Bao (hongwei.bao@nottingham.ac.uk) and JProf Jacky Kosgei (jacky.kosgei@es.uni-tuebingen.de). Please use ‘Nottingham-Tübingen workshops’ in the subject line of your Email. Please also address your questions and queries to the two co-organisers.

Tübingen Workshop

21-22 March 2024

Venue: Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, 50 Wilhelmstr., 72074, Tübingen, Germany

Nottingham Workshop

6-7 June 2024

Venue: University of Nottingham University Park Campus, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom

Workshop Bursary

There is a bursary to enable PhD students and Early Career Researchers from the two universities to attend the workshop. Please submit a request to the co-convenors.


Celebrating Global Queer Poetry
with Hongwei Bao and Gregory Woods

Thursday 13 June 2024, The Carousel (24 Hockley, Nottingham, NG1 1FH)

Register here

This event celebrates global queer history, desire and creativity by launching two poetry chapbooks: Hongwei Bao’s Dream of the Orchid Pavilion (Big White Shed, 2024) and Gregory Woods’ They Exchange Glances: Gay Modernist Poems in Translation (Hercules Editions, 2024). Informed by different cultural traditions and composed in distinct styles, these poems testify to the persistence of queer desire even under difficult circumstances and the richness of queer history and heritage around the world.

The title poem of Dream of the Orchid Pavilion is a contemporary rewriting of a fourth-century classical Chinese text, rediscovering forgotten homoerotic traditions in ancient China. Drawing on Bao’s life experience of being a queer Chinese migrant living in the UK, the pamphlet ruminates upon love, intimacy, memory, heritage and identity. It takes readers from gay bars and drag shows in Nottingham to haunted city streets in Prague, from Beeston high street to Brighton Pier. It asks what it means to be queer and Chinese today.

Hongwei Bao is a queer Chinese researcher, writer and poet based in Nottingham. He teaches media studies at the University of Nottingham. His academic work documents queer Chinese history, culture and activism. His creative work explores queer desire, transcultural encounter, East Asian heritage, and diasporic positionality. His debut poetry collection The Passion of the Rabbit God has recently been published by Valley Press.

They Exchange Glances presents a selection of poems celebrating gay love, and lamenting its loss, translated by Gregory Woods, one of the UK’s leading gay poets. As men pass each other in public spaces, sustained eye contact may lead to either extreme pleasure or pain. Enclosed, rented rooms may provide safe privacy or constrictive isolation. Subject to intense social stigma but refusing to be silenced, poets such as Lorca and Cavafy, Umberto Saba, Luis Cernuda, Salvador Novo, Mikhail Kuzmin, Antonio Botto and Vicente Aleixandre proudly defied convention while dodging censorship.

Gregory Woods is the author of six poetry collections from Carcanet Press, the latest being An Ordinary Dog (2011) and Records of an Incitement to Silence (2021). His cultural histories include Articulate Flesh: Male Homo-eroticism and Modern Poetry (1987), A History of Gay Literature (1998) and Homintern: How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World (2016), all from Yale University Press. He is Emeritus Professor of Gay & Lesbian Studies at Nottingham Trent University. Find out more on his website.


Feminist and Queer Ecologies in Art and Media

International Research Networking Workshop
21-22 June 2024
University Park Campus, Nottingham, UK

We are living in an age characterised by proliferating natural disasters, environmental degradation and ecological crisis. In response, feminist and queer scholars have highlighted the anthropocentric, patriarchal and heteronormative nature of human intervention into more-than-human worlds. Feminist and queer artists, filmmakers and media producers in the UK, Germany and globally have also responded creatively to the ecological crisis through their art, film and media works. What can we learn from these innovative initiatives and sustainable cultural practices? What critical and conceptual tools can be developed to advance our thinking on the mutually imbricated and cross-fertilising relationship between gender, sexuality and ecology? How can art and media contribute to a critical discourse dedicated to problems of planetary impact, and, in return, how does a new awareness about sustainability and environmental change our understanding of, and practices in art and media? This international research networking workshop brings together researchers from three universities (Bremen, Bochum and Nottingham) to explore these important questions.

This in-person workshop is supported by the University of Nottingham’s International Collaboration Fund. We invite scholars from the three universities to participate in the workshop and present papers. If you are interested in participating in the workshop in person, please contact:

Speakers include:

  • Ms Tonia Andresen, Predoc Research Assistant, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
  • Ms Longlong Ge, PhD candidate in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Dr Leora Hadas, Assistant Professor in Culture, Film and Media, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Dr Xing Huang, Teaching Associate in Media Studies Education, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Dr Susanne Huber, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Bremen, Germany Dr Adelaide McGinity-Peebles, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Dr Franziska Rauh, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Bremen, Germany
  • Ms Nadja Siemer, Predoc Research Assistant, University of Bremen, Germany
  • Professor Änne Söll, Professor, of Modern Art History Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
  • Mr Christian Wandhof, Predoc Research Assistant, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany


'The Individual and its Milieu. Biological, Social and Technical Norms', Associate Lecturer Daniela Voss (University of Hildesheim) (postponed - new date TBA)

Daniela Voss is Associate Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hildesheim. Her fields of research include contemporary French philosophy, post-Kantian philosophy, early modern philosophy and, more recently, philosophy of technology. She is the author of Conditions of Thought: Deleuze and Transcendental Ideas (Edinburgh UP, 2013) and co-editor with Craig Lundy of At the Edges of Thought: Deleuze and Post-Kantian Philosophy (Edinburgh UP, 2015).

'A Brazil. Philosophy of a Common Place', Professor Fabiano Lemos (UERJ, Brazil) and Professor Ulysses Pinheiro (UFRJ, Brazil) (4 May 2023)

In this talk, Professors Lemos and Pinheiro will be discussing arguments and analyses that are central to their forthcoming book A Brazil. Philosophy of a Common Place. The talk will be in two part parts: a first part will discuss the book’s general outline and the methodological approach that it adopts to address the assimilation of Brazil’s colonial condition to national foundational narratives. It will discuss Euclides da Cunha’s Os sertões (Backlands: The Canudos Campaign), a literary text that was key to the construction of Brazilian national identity in the early twentieth century. The second part of the talk will introduce and evaluate the work of Rosa Maria Egpcíaca da Vera Cruz (1719-1778), an enslaved African woman, who despite the social constraints of slavery, bought her freedom and became an important spiritual leader in Rio de Janeiro in the 18th Century.

This talk is organised by Centres for Critical Theory and Post-Conflict Cultures.



'Relating to Leah's Voices', Associate Professor Angela Woods (Durham University) (10 April 2019)

Dr Woods is Associate Professor of Medical Humanities at Durham University and Co-Director of the Wellcome Trust-funded project Hearing the Voice. Her research in critical medical humanities focuses on the interplay between theoretical and subjective accounts of unusual experience.

'Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media', Dr James Dennis (University of Portsmouth) (11 April 2019)

Dr. James Dennis is Senior Lecturer in Political Communication and Journalism at the University of Portsmouth. This presentation will examine how routine social media use shapes political participation. Entry is completely free, but please do register at https://nottsbeyondslackt 

Nottingham-Dublin Lacan Studies Series, Martine Coussot (30 March 2019)

For the second, Nottingham-leg of this series, we welcomed back Martine Coussot (psychiatrist and psychoanalyst based in Poitiers in France), this time helping us to work through chapters 6-9 of Lacan’s eighth seminar on Transference.

Health Humanities 'Early Bird Group' (20 March 2019)

This group has been a part of the Health Humanities RPA since its inception, with the purpose of bringing together PhD students, early career researchers and more established academics working in the area of Health Humanities. In this meeting, we enjoyed talks by Nicky Grace (University of Nottingham) on her research project establishing an accessible midwifery archive, and by Kayla Kemhadjian (University of Leeds) on the language of ‘self-killing’ in the Middle Ages.

'Reading Ayn Rand Psychoanalytically: Ethics, Libertarian and Otherwise', Ian Parker, (13 March 2019)

Professor Ian Parker (University of Leicester) has published widely on psychoanalysis and critiques of psychology and psychiatry. He is also a practicing psychoanalyst and current president of the College of Psychoanalysts – UK. In this talk, he explored the enduring appeal of the writings of Ayn Rand for apologists of neoliberalism but also their complex relationship to a very American version of psychoanalysis.

Launch of the new Nottingham-Dublin Lacan Studies Series, Jerôme Lecaux (9 February 2019)

The first meeting of the new Nottingham-Dublin Lacan Studies Series met in Dublin with the French psychoanalyst Jerôme Lecaux leading our discussion of the new seminar by Lacan that we are focussing on this year, Seminar VIII on Transference.

Health Humanities: Today and Tomorrow Conference (16-17 January 2019)

This two day conference brought together academics from with the Health Humanities Research Priority Area to present 14 existing research projects in this interdisciplinary area but also to build new research networks. Our two keynote speakers were Havi Carel (Professor of Philosophy, University of Bristol) and Helen Chatterjee (Professor of Biology, University College London). On the second day of the conference, research teams could bid for £3k of pump-priming funding for new Health Humanities initiatives. 



Vital Theory (4): The Meanings of Memory (December 9th 2014)

The fourth in the annual postgraduate symposium focused on the social, cultural, political and technical implications of remembering and forgetting. Keynote talks were given by Tracey Potts and Andrew Goffey, and several of the Centre’s current and past PhD students gave position papers around memory studies, cultural commemoration and the politics of forgetting in post-conflict contexts. In the afternoon, a workshop on ‘Objects of Memory’ explored the connections between nostalgia, representation and materiality as well as the role of technology in supporting contemporary modes of memory. As ever, the day ended with Vital Theory’s ‘Anti-Market’ with presentations on thinkers such as Henri Lefebvre and the Tiqqun Collective.

How We Behave Study Sessions (October—December 2014)
Organised and run at Nottingham Contemporary in anticipation of Grant Watson’s ‘How We Behave’ installation, these study sessions were loosely themed around Michel Foucault’s later work on technologies of the self and were run by Andrew Goffey and Sophie Fuggle (French, NTU) and involved analysis and discussion of topics ranging from Kafka’s text ‘The Hunger Artist’ through Félix Guattari’s notion of ‘machinic junkies’, to extreme sports and the philosophy of the Greek Cynics.
Other Voices: A Different Outlook on Autism (29th and 30th of November 2014)
The public screening of the Spanish psychoanalyst Ivan Ruiz’s moving documentary film, Other Voices, which took place at the Nottingham Lakeside Arts Centre, aimed to open up a debate about the conceptualisation of autism in mainstream discourse. Ivan travelled from Barcelona to be involved in a Q&A after the screening, and the following day, a small workshop was convened to launch the Centres ‘Critical Autism Network’ which aims to bring critical research into dialogue not only with discourse about autism, but with individuals, groups and institutions dealing with or affected by autism. The network is part of the Centre’s addressing of questions raised by critical medical/health humanities.
Neoliberalism, Criticism and Crisis (2) (20th November 2014)
In this second workshop in the Centre’s series devoted to exploring relations between neoliberalism, criticism, and crisis, we focussed on issues to do with neoliberal subjects and with law (and/or the lack of it) in contemporary politics. Two presentations were given. Colin Wright’s talk, entitled ‘Bouncebackability: The Production and Governance of the Resilient Subject’, explored the role of the psychology and neuroscience of resilience in the production of the neoliberal subject supposedly adapted to crises. Cosmin Cercel’s talk, ‘Beyond Exception: Law, Emergency and the Powers of Capital’ examined the ways in which repressive practices in the sphere of law and security frame the ideological background of neoliberalism in which the resilient subject emerges.
Foucault, Subjectivity and Truth Stuart Elden (12th November 2014)

Drawing on his forthcoming book project Foucault’s Last Decade, Stuart Elden, Professor of Political Theory and Geography at the University of Warwick, and one of the founding editors of the journal Foucault Studies, gave a public lecture at the Nottingham Contemporary on the question of sexuality in the later writings of Michel Foucault.

Watch Professor Elden's public lecture.

Writing Around Contemporary Art Matthew Collings (6th November 2014)
The well-known artist, TV art critic and writer Matthew Collings gave a public talk at the Djanogly Theatre, Lakeside Arts, focused on the role of diverse forms of writing connected to art and art practice, from catalogues to press releases, from gallery captions to art theory. Matthew spoke about his own trajectory from art student to art critic and, now, to practicing artist.
The Subject of Addiction: Culture and Clinic (8th and 9th of September 2014)
This two-day interdisciplinary conference brought together critical and cultural theorists with clinical practitioners in order to interrogate contemporary addiction discourse, whether in governmental policy, psychiatric diagnostic frameworks, literary and media representations, or in the neuroscience of the ‘addicted brain’. The conference was accompanied by an exhibition of art work, photography and poetry produced by young clients working with the SUBSTANce group in Denmark.
The Line, the Symbol and Lacan Matthew Del Nevo (26th June 2014)
Matthew Del Nevo, from the Catholic Institute of Sydney, Australia, led this seminar centering on the metaphor of the line in Plato’s Republic. His presentation worked through this metaphor, related the theory of the unconscious and a theory of the symbol to it (Cassirer, Elliot R. Wolfson), and then located Lacan within this overall cultural sensibility.
Thinking With Animals Workshop (20th June 2014)
The idea of thinking with animals has gained considerable ground since Claude Lévi Strauss’s provocative remark in Totemism that ‘natural species are chosen not because they are “good to eat” [bonnes à manger] but because they are “good to think” [bonnes à penser].’ (p. 89). The emerging field of Animal Studies now evidences a growing scholarly interest in nonhuman animal life. Such interest moves beyond the idea of human-animal relations to encompass questions of co-constitution, co-evolution, biopower, ecology and cosmopolitics. This workshop, with a series of rapid presentations by a number of staff and doctoral students, both showcased and explored research of this kind at the University of Nottingham.
Chile’s Student Uprising: A Documentary Film Screening and Q&A (3rd June 2014)
A screening of this important documentary - about the student movement against the neoliberalisation of education in Chile, and the gains and losses of grassroots social movements engaging with representational forms of politics – was followed by a response from doctoral student Sofia Mason and a Q&A session with the London-based Chilean director.
I Would Prefer Not To Study Sessions (May-June 2014)
Run in conjunction with the Public Programme at Nottingham Contemporary, this series of study sessions took its cue from Herman Melville’s widely commented story ‘Bartleby the Scrivener’ and explored a range of arguments and ideas about radical passivity and strategies of refusal – from Lafargue’s Right to Be Lazy, Lee Lozano’s artistic practice, and Baudrillard fatal strategy of the refusal of meaning.
Neoliberalism, Criticism and Crisis (1) (May 29th 2014)
This first workshop in a projected series explored the ongoing relevance of Foucault’s account of neoliberalism and its connections to biopolitics for more recent work, post 2008 credit crunch, by autonomist Marxist Maurizio Lazzarato (author of The Making of Indebted Man) and economic historian, Philip Mirowski (author of Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste).
Translating the Dictionary of Untranslatables (21st May 2014)
This half-day conference, organised by the Translating Thought research group, with the support of the Centre for Critical Theory, the Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, and the Nottingham French Studies journal explored the challenges involved in translating the Vocabulaire européen des philosophies, which is rapidly becoming a key reference work for the study of a broad range of reputedly untranslatable philosophical, literary, and political terms. With Barbara Cassin, Emily Apter, Michael Wood, and Michael Syrotinski.
What Makes Contemporary Art Contemporary? Peter Osborne (14th May 2014)
This public lecture explored what makes contemporary art contemporary by addressing some of the ways in which contemporary art structures our experiences of time. Peter Osborne is Professor of Modern European Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University and is the author of (amongst other books) Anywhere or Not At All, The Philosophy of Contemporary Art (Verso, 2013).
Friction! (8-9th May 2014)
This two-day international conference - organised by one the Centre’s previous MA and PhD students and subsequently member of staff, Eva Giraud – provided a forum for discussion around the link between technology and neoliberalism, as well as the potential role of technology in practices of resistance and activism. The central concept of ‘friction’ focussed the contributions on the potential for resistance inherent to the ‘glitches’ of technology considered as a material infrastructure.
Eco-Logics: Ethics, Politics, Art Workshop (6th May 2014)

This one-day workshop drew together an interdisciplinary field of academics and artists who find themselves engaged with questions concerning our relation to 'nature' and the nature of relationality. Ranging across the fields of ethics, politics and art, the event provided a forum for the sustained interrogation of contemporary trajectories of thought and practice, and a platform for the further development of novel interdisciplinary approaches to pressing, global-ecological concerns.

The Ragged Manifold of the Subject: Databaseness and the Generic in Curating YouTube Olga Goriunova (19th March 2014)
This talk addressed recent theories of the mediated, informational subject by exploring several art projects that utilise YouTube as a curatorial tool, showing the generic effects of computational affordances linked to databases. Olga Goriunova is an Assistant Professor in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick.
The Aesthetics of Revolt Study Sessions (February-March 2014)
Can art push the boundaries of the socially and culturally acceptable, or does the controlled environment of the liberal institution nullify transgression? Four fortnightly sessions use Madani’s work as a springboard to explore themes including role of humour, irony and parody in aesthetic critique, the limits of offensive art as a challenge to political correctness, and the gendered and racialised nature of dominant representations of what counts as “disgusting.”
The Philosophy of Emptiness. Cohen Tan (12th February 2014)
This talk, by one of our former PhD students who is now a colleague at the Ningbo campus of the University of Nottingham, explored the meaning of ‘emptiness’ in the Buddhist philosophy of Nagarjuna as well the resonances of this notion with aspects of Derridean deconstruction.
Rhythm Work Workshop (17th January 2014)
This workshop focussed on the work of Henri Lefebvre around ‘rhythmanalysis’ and its inter-disciplinary relevance for innovative approaches in Geography, Cultural Studies and Cultural History and Literary Theory.


Vital Theory (3): Technologies of Capital (13th December 2013)
The third in our annual post-graduate one-day conferences, Vital Theory, focused on the role of new (and old) technologies and their attendant infrastructures in the perpetuation of and resistance against neoliberal capitalism. A keynote introduction by Eva Giraud was followed by three position papers by PhD students in the Centre: Joshua Bowsher talked about NGOs as a technology of neoliberalism; Stephanie Petschick discussed the links between memorialisation, technology and capitalism; and Tom Harding provided a psychoanalytic critique of the DSM as a biopolitical technology.
The Politics and Poetics of Disgust Study Sessions (October-December 2013)
What does it mean to be disgusting? Through reading and discussion, four study sessions, held in the Nottingham Contemporary Gallery and led by Tracey Potts and Colin Wright, addressed disgust within art, theory, and the social realm, bringing in references from theories of abjection to TV documentaries.
Biopolitics and Aesthetics Josephine Berry-Slater (20th November 2013)
Josephine Berry-Slater is a Lecturer in the Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths College and long-standing editor of Mute Magazine. Her talk addressed the question of the relationship between the life sciences and art.
From Animism to the Internet Study Sessions (May-June 2013)
From speed-bumps to sludge in ponds, Amerindian totems to Tamagotchi, this reading group, held at the Nottingham Contemporary Gallery and led by Eva Giraud and Andrew Goffey, traced some lively debates within contemporary philosophies of technology: exploring not only how technologies shape the world, but how objects themselves can be said to have agency.
Sensing Change (27-28th March 2013)
This two-day conference offered an opportunity to reconsider the role of the senses in the grand narratives of modernity and postmodernity and to elevate the relevance of recent sensory approaches for investigating questions of social, political and cultural change.
The Dictatorship of the People Peter Hallward (24th April 2013)
Peter Hallward of Kingston University, best known as a Badiou scholar, gave a talk on the notion of the ‘will of the people’, with its roots in Rousseau, Marx and Mao among many others, in order to deal with critiques of voluntarism around more radical understandings of political subjectivity.
Jodi Dean Study Day (21st March 2013)
Internationally renowned critical theorist Jodi Dean joined us for a day devoted to interrogating her work on both digital technologies and ‘communicative capitalism’ and her engagements with the recent resurgence of interest in the ‘Idea of Communism’. The day involved a workshops based around excerpts from her book Blog Theory, followed by four position papers by Eva Giraud, Andrew Goffey, Seb Franklin and Colin Wright. Colin then chaired a public lecture by Jodi on her most recent book, The Communist Hypothesis.


Affective Atmospheres (1st April 2012)
This one day event explored the factors – geographical, architectural, visual, tactile and sonorous – that contribute to the production of ‘atmospheres’ conducive to particular affects, whether excitement, fear or boredom. As such, it engaged with the so-called ‘affective turn’ in the human and social sciences and the specific methodological challenges faced by researchers working on sensory experience and culture. A paper by Tim Edensor (Manchester Metropolitan) on the role of lighting in creating the unique atmosphere at the Blackpool illuminations was followed by a roundtable discussion on innovative methodologies in sensory research with Tim Edensor, Ben Anderson (Durham), Tracey Potts (Nottingham) and James Mansell (Nottingham). The day concluded with a public lecture by Ben Anderson on ‘Atmospheres of Emergency’ held at the Nottingham Contemporary art gallery.


Centre for Critical Theory

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
