Centre for Contemporary East Asian Cultural Studies


The Centre facilitates innovative research into and critical debate on cultural thinking and practices related to China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea as well as associated diasporic communities. The Centre works closely with cultural institutions, creative industries and cultural practitioners to support the public dissemination of knowledge about cultures China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea within an international context. Through its work, the Centre seeks to contribute to the activities of cultural institutions, practitioners and related communities of interest.
Chinese city of Chongqing

The CEACS facilitates innovative research into and critical debate on cultural thinking and practices related to China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. 


Current Research 


Key aims and expertise





Related research

Asia Research Institute

Centre for Critical Theory

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Institute for Screen Industries Research

Centre for Research in Visual Culture 

Taiwan Studies Programme 

Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies, University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus

Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies, University of Nottingham, Ningbo campus




Centre for Contemporary East Asian Cultural Studies

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5757 or 84 66437
email:hongwei.bao@nottingham.ac.uk or ting.chang@nottingham.ac.uk