Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

Courses, Meetings/Events and Training

We are proud to be involved in a wide variety of training programmes, courses and clinical meetings focussing on our strengths of epidemiology and evidence based practice.


Summer School - This is a one day, face-to-face or online course.  Each year the course focuses on a different subject to assist you in improving your skills and usually comprises of presentations, workshops and small group work. 

The 2025 Summer School subject is: AI in dermatology research

(Booking opens in February)

Evidence based update meeting - Each year an evidence based update meeting is organised by the UK DCTN and chaired by Professor Hywel Williams. This meeting is credentialled by the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD).

The 2025 meeting will be on Hidradenitis Suppurativa.


Better Evaluation of Evidence and Statistics (BEES) Course - This popular 3 day course is designed to improve critical appraisal and research design skills. This course is accredited with the British College of Dermatology (BCD).

The 2025 course is now full.


Free Online Courses

Critical Appraisal of Clinical Trials in Dermatology - This interactive course provides an introduction to critical appraisal of clinical trials in dermatology.


An introduction to systematic searching in PubMed - This interactive course describes the basic steps of constructing a systematic search in PubMed to answer a focused clinical question, using examples from dermatology.



UK DCTN Fellowships - The UK DCTN runs a number of fellowship award schemes each year, including: SpR Fellowships, Nurse Fellowships, SAS Fellowships and GP Fellowships.

Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

The University of Nottingham
Applied Health Research Building
University Park, Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 68631
email: cebd@nottingham.ac.uk