Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

Consensus statement on the core outcome measure for capturing the clinical signs of eczema in trials


The consensus statement on the core outcome measure for capturing the clinical signs of eczema in trials is published in the October edition of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) statement to assess clinical signs of atopic eczema in trials). This report details the iterative process of systematic reviews and international consensus sessions undertaken by the global Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative to reach the recommendation that all future clinical trials should use the EASI scale to capture clinical signs of atopic eczema. This consensus is a major step forward towards improved evidence-based decision making and ultimately improved patient care, as future trials will be more comparable and trial results more easily combined.

For further details about the HOME initiative, see: (http://www.homeforeczema.org/)

Posted on Wednesday 8th October 2014

Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

The University of Nottingham
Applied Health Research Building
University Park, Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 68631
email: cebd@nottingham.ac.uk