Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

Protocol Registration

All trials conducted at the Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology (CEBD) are registered on an approved trial registry prior to start of recruitment. These can be accessed using the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. Similarly, systematic review protocols are lodged on the Prospero register of systematic review.

In addition, CEBD pre-registers study protocols and analysis plans for studies that do not fit the criteria for existing registries.

Table of Protocols
 Title  Date registered

Exploring the care pathway to diagnosis for patients with autoimmune blistering diseases: a qualitative study of General Practitioners’ views

12 August 2024

Diagnosis and treatment of vulval skin disease: A survey study

11 June 2024


Quality of Life Qualitative Scoping Review: Search Strategy Protocol


8 January 2024

Assessing the need of overlapping itch assessments in the HOME core outcome set for eczema clinical trials

8 December 2023

CONCRETE: Reporting of CONComitant and REscue Topical therapies in Eczema randomized controlled trials evaluating a systemic treatment: a systematic review

28 July 2023

Melanoma and Non-melanoma skin cancer mortality trends – time to re-focus

25 April 2023

Protocol pre-registration of observational studies-is this happening?

 28 March 2023

EMO Trial Protocol Version 1.0

20 March 2023

Lichen sclerosus diagnosis: which are the most important clinical diagnostic features? Protocol for e-Delphi exercise to agree most important criteria

12 January 2023

 Are long conflict of interest statements fit for purpose?

22 December 2022

Histological evaluation of frozen HE

RfPB - Project Plan v6.1

Fast Raman measurement sample preparation protocol v2

26 September 2022
Vulval database protocol 1 September 2022
Vulval dermatology database BMedSci project 20 Dec 2021
RfPB project plan for testing reliability and diagnostic accuracy of the Fast Raman device 1 July 2021
Uptake of the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) Core Outcome Set in atopic dermatitis systematic reviews: A systematic review 18 January 2021
A protocol for a systematic review: a qualitative synthesis of the experiences of people with Hidradenitis Suppurativa 24 March 2020
Research for Patient Benefit project plan for testing reliability and diagnostic accuracy of the Fast Raman device  16 March 2020

Is urinary incontinence associated with lichen sclerosus in females? A systematic review and cross-sectional study​.

(previous versions: vs1.0)

6 January 2020
A qualitative study to determine the health care professionals’ experience of the diagnosis of lower limb cellulitis 9 May 2019
Mapping of Diagnostic Criteria in Dermatology 30 April 2019
DIPSOC Statistical Analysis Plan 25 February 2019
Uptake of HOME core outcomes; study of trial registries 3 December 2018
A qualitative study to determine the patient experience of the diagnosis of lower limb cellulitis 5 November 2018
Exploring the optimum number of repeated measures of disease severity in eczema clinical trials. 1 November 2018

Developing a patient-reported outcome measure of eczema control

27 September 2018

Data analysis plan:
6 November 2018

Protocol for retrospective study assessing the relationship between serum Vitamin D levels and severity of malignant melanoma 27 November 2017
Scoping review of the challenges identified by patients and health care professionals when diagnosing lower limb cellulitis protocol 19 October 2017
Protocol for a 10-year review of surgical management of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans  (DFSP) in the UK 25 August 2017
Which outcomes should we measure in cellulitis trials? Results of a systematic review of outcomes included in cellulitis trials and a patient priority setting survey 25 August 2017
Exploring how patient characteristics influence the minimum important change (MIC) of the Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) 03 August 2017
Patient involvement in the HOME V meeting – understanding it from the patient perspective 03 August 2017
Patient and carer perspectives on defining and measuring long-term control of eczema 25 April 2017
Exploring different methods to inform Minimally Important Change (MIC) estimates of the Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) using data from the CLOTHES trial  05 January 2017
Protocol for e-Delphi consensus study to agree diagnostic criteria for plaque psoriasis in children 20 June 2016
Protocol for determining the association between sample size and risk of bias in dermatological randomised controlled trials 18 December 2015

Protocol for identifying parallel group RCTs within the Global Resource for EczemA Trials (GREAT) database that failed to compare the treatments being tested 

24 February 2015

Systematic review on quality of life measures in eczema trials 

9 January 2015

How has long term control been captured in randomised controlled trials of eczema treatments? A systematic review protocol 

6 October 2014

How are eczema symptoms captured in randomised controlled trials of eczema treatments? A systematic review protocol

23 July 2014

Protocol registration and outcome reporting bias in randomised controlled trials of eczema treatment 

25 August 2011

A Randomised Controlled Trial of Excisional Surgery versus Imiquimod 5% cream for Nodular and Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma (SINS) Final Analysis Plan      24 June 2011

Identifying and prioritising important research questions for the treatment of eczema – a collaborative partnership between patients, carers, clinicians and researchers     

21 April 2010

Identifying and prioritising important research questions for the treatment of vitiligo    

15 November 2009

Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

The University of Nottingham
Applied Health Research Building
University Park, Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 68631
email: cebd@nottingham.ac.uk