Centre for Forensic and Family Psychology

Forensic Psychology at the University of Nottingham

Picture of the Yang Fujia building, Jubilee campus. The home of Forensic Psychology at Nottingham

"Our focus is research and training into the development of children, the influence of families on children and mental health, the causes of criminal behaviour and the prevention of crime."

--Professor Kevin Browne, Director of CFFP


The Centre for Forensic and Family Psychology (CFFP), established in 2010, promotes research and training in forensic psychology.

We take a public health approach to investigating the causes and consequences of family violence, child maltreatment and serious crime.

Our director of centre and programme directors are all HCPC-registered
practitioner psychologists as well as experienced academic researchers.

What we do

Deliver high quality research and evidence-based practice


Provide consultancy, teaching and training




Publication highlights


Collaborations and links



Study with us

Doctorate programmes

Forensic Psychology DForenPsy

Forensic Psychology Top-up DForenPsy

Masters programmes

Forensic and Criminological Psychology MSc


What our students say



Centre for Forensic and Family Psychology

University of Nottingham
Division of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology
School of Medicine
YANG Fujia Building, Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road, Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 846 7898