Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management (CRELM)

Interconnected blue cogs on a black background

The Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management (CRELM) focuses on how leadership is done, for what purpose, and by whom, in educational settings from the early years to higher and adult education. 

We aim to understand leadership and governance in education. We address questions about purpose, for example:

  • is leadership focused on the successful achievement of academic and social outcomes?
  • does leadership enable students from diverse backgrounds to benefit from education and contribute to society?

We address questions about how leadership is done. For example, we draw on diverse leadership models, social and critical theories to recognise the complexity of leadership principles, structures and processes as they operate in interconnecting educational and social systems.

We address questions about who does leadership, and how leaders prepare for and develop their leadership. We believe educational leadership is enacted by policymakers, formal post-holders, teaching and support staff, students and families. We ask questions about the representation of women and other marginalised groups in leadership.

We investigate leadership preparation and development. We also provide professional leadership learning for beginning and serving teachers and leaders through our popular MA Educational Leadership and Management programme. We investigate the enactment of education policy. We adopt critical perspectives to analyse unequal power structures in policy, leadership and management and their effect on learning and the work of teachers and leaders.

As social scientists we use quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods methodologies to generate empirical data from close-to-practice leadership and governance. We investigate leadership in educational settings in learning phases from early years to higher and adult education.

We are a diverse group of scholars from diverse backgrounds at different stages of our research careers. At the heart of our research projects, is our passion for recognising diversity, promoting inclusivity, and successful leadership for learning, leadership for social justice, socially just and culturally responsive leadership.

We undertake research in multiple international contexts, including with a valued and vibrant group of postgraduate researchers. We share our research by publishing books and in international peer reviewed journals, presenting at international conferences, giving keynote talks across continents and engaging in multi-media.

Themes that are particulary associated with CRELM are:

  • leadership and governance in schools, colleges and trusts
  • leadership preparation and development in education
  • critical perspectives on education policy and leadership

 How we are making a difference

Research in educational leadership has a long history at the University of Nottingham. Our research centre is one of the biggest in the UK. 

Our research is impactful. We are a centre of excellence in leadership research. Our scholars are included in the top five most cited in our field globally. 

Our research is insightful. We work closely with local schools and trusts by contributing to leadership development programmes.

 At the heart of our centre is the popular MA Educational Leadership and Management  course. This can be studied full-time on campus or part-time by distance learning. Many CRELM members teach on the course. 
Our members attract significant external funding to investigate leadership in the UK. 
Blue background with white coloured people icons joined by lines to represent a network


Meet the CRELM team

Shining light blub in foreground with connected cogs against dark background, giving idea of thinking and ideas


Key CRELM projects

Two female and one male postgraduate student sitting round a table talking

PGR students

Join the CRELM team


CRELM news

Research Handbook on Adult Learning and Education

New research handbook co-edited by Dr Sharon Clancy
19 March 2025

How new Ofsted report cards could be improved – by giving parents what they want to know

Professor Toby Greany writes for The Conversation
20 February 2025

Success in the THE World University Rankings by Subject 2025

School of Education jump 14 places in rankings for education
23 January 2025

See all School of Education news

CRELM events

Retaining teachers in schools

26 March 2025 (12:30-14:30)
C47, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus
A School of Education event hosted by the Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management (CRELM) presented by Dr Dong Nguyen, Durham University

See all School of Education events 



Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management

School of Education
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

+44 (0)115 951 4543