Dementia, Arts and Wellbeing Network (DAWN)

What Participants said about the Workshops

We have already had lots of conversations about it with friends and family.

(Carer, Visual Arts workshop)

It’s only been two days and I feel I have made such good friends.

(Carer, Visual Arts workshop)

I want to come again.

(Participant with dementia, Visual Arts workshop)

A bridge we’d never crossed before.

(Carer, Theatre workshop)

We’ve done things we’ve never done before.

(Person with dementia, Theatre workshop)

Who’d have thought we’d act in a Shakespeare play?

(Carer, Theatre workshop)

He really enjoyed the opportunity to talk to other people during the break periods. It took quite a bit of encouragement to get him to write in the book provided during the second session and even then he only entered his name and funeral song. I rate the sessions highly for [Participant with dementia] and the others. Possibly even more benefit to [Participant with dementia] as the activities are not something he would often want/get chance to participate in.

(Carer, written evaluation of Music workshop)

It was nice to be all together.

(Participant with dementia, Music workshop)

[Carer] never knew she had any rhythm and was really surprised to feel she has! They both enjoyed the day – was totally different from what they normally do. He has been ‘slipping’, the day helped bring him back. [Participant with dementia] can find it difficult to understand language, he doesn’t understand the meanings of words at times, English must seem like a foreign language to him at these times. So music is welcome relief from that, he can enjoy the melodies. At home music keeps him occupied and allows me to get on with housework etc.

(Carer, interviewed after Music workshop)

I’ve found it extremely informative, joyful, entertaining. I’ve learnt a lot.

(Participant with dementia, Music workshop)

You don’t have to worry about what you say, you can be yourself and express yourself … I hate singing but I was happy to sing in Rosslyn’s session… You can lose yourself in the session … There was no self-consciousness. After half an hour you feel in the rhythm of it all.

(Participant with dementia, Music workshop)

[Dementia] can be an embarrassing condition – you have to explain it all the time. But not here.

(Participant with dementia, Music workshop)

We knew what to expect from previous workshops - it would be well organised, inclusive, fun, educational. We were tired out by the end of the day but not in a bad way. We found that nothing was too much trouble, people were caring in a non- patronising way, supportive and friendly. [Partner] has remembered the day and mentioned it several times since, how lovely the day was.

(Carer, Music workshop)

We both enjoyed the workshop, we enjoyed the singing session, the cello playing and the chance to interact with others in a similar position.

(Carer, Music workshop)

For [Participant with dementia] during the drumming workshop “a little miracle happened!” For four years she’s had a tremor in her right hand. She was using a tambourine and for a minute the tremor stopped.

(Observer, Music workshop)

A lovely happy day!

(Participant with dementia, Music workshop)


Dementia, Arts and Wellbeing Network (DAWN)

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 7307