Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Reproductive disease

Within the Diagnostics and Therapeutics Research Group here at the School of Veterinary Science, we have a respected research team focused on reproductive disorders affecting humans and animals.

We are a multi-disciplinary community of academics and clinicians working together to advance understanding of the diverse factors which can contribute to reproductive dysfunction.

In doing so, we aim to enable better diagnosis and treatment for reproductive disorders across a whole range of species.

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Research that’s making an impact

Infertility and its causes

Identifying the mechanisms underlying a range of reproductive disorders.


Diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies for reproductive disease

Improving the identification and treatment of reproductive disorders in humans, livestock and companion animals.


Intrauterine determinants of offspring health and reproductive disease

How environmental factors during pregnancy can affect offspring’s long-term health.


Related research

Researcher working in laboratory

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Diagnostics and Therapeutics

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Leicestershire, LE12 5RD