Project Duration
February 2016 - February 2017
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Impact Acceleration Fund
Project Staff Staff Institutions
- Dr Holly Blake1 1. University of Nottingham1
- Ms Steph Knowles2 2. Nottingham University Hospitals
NHS Trust2
In response to UK public health agenda, we developed an online intervention to support health and wellbeing in NHS nurses and midwives. We aim to collaboratively implement this in practice, targeting 4,651 nurses and midwives at NUH Trust through networking, targeted campaigns, media promotion and a pilot programme of bespoke training workshops delivered and evaluated in partnership with staff.
These would be sustainably embedded within the NUH pioneering employee wellbeing programme. We would generate national impact (e.g. through NHS England, NHS Employers, Royal College of Nursing) by promoting case studies of NUH as an exemplar trust for supporting nurses and midwives.
Implementation project, networking, targeted campaigns, media promotion, intervention delivery, evaluation, practical workshops, qualitative interviews, case studies.
Stage of Development
Underway: online tool evaluation, implementation.