Digital Innovations in Healthcare and Education

Exergames and gamified applications 

As global life expectancies increase and birth rates continue to fall, many societies face ageing populations. So how do we make sure this growing number of people stay active and healthy? 

The Digital Innovations in Healthcare and Education (DICE) Research Group is exploring how technology – in particular digital exercise games (exergames) and applications using sensors and motion devices – can promote a healthy lifestyle and prolong independent living.  

We’re also studying how healthcare practice training can be enhanced using gamified applications and the Internet of Things. This builds on our existing research in developing reusable learning objects and virtual patients.

Central to our research is user collaboration, which ensures we can embed successful solutions into daily healthcare practice and education. 

Research that makes an impact

Are colours important in exergames for seniors? 

This project aims to identify the most suitable colours to use in physical training games for seniors (people aged 65+). 

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User-centred design for seniors in exergames

Developing a user-centred design protocol for physical training games targeting seniors. 

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Gamification & behavioural change: techniques for health social media

A collaborative effort towards the creation of a book chapter entitled: Gamification & behavioural change: techniques for health social media. 

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Meet our researchers

Dr Stathis Konstantinidis

Stathis is Assistant Professor in e-Learning and Health Informatics. He’s a member of the Global Health Workforce Council and served as the Norwegian ambassador of OKFN. He has over 10 years’ experience of EU, national and interregional funded research projects.

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PhD students and opportunities 

Discover the latest opportunities for PhD research in the field of digital innovations in healthcare and education.  


Digital Innovations in Healthcare and Education Research Group

The University of Nottingham
School of Health Sciences
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 823 0909