Environment and Society

Health, Environment and Society

Human health and wellbeing are closely interlinked with the nature and quality of natural and built environments while socio-economic and cultural factors have a strong influence on disease burdens as well as on perceptions of and responses to health risks.

Image: An example of a drawing by a participant in Coen’s research on the role of the gym in gendering physical activity participation. See Coen, S. E., Rosenberg, M. W., and Davidson, J. 2018. “It’s gym, like g-y-m not J-i-m:” Exploring the role of place in the gendering of physical activity. Social Science & Medicine, 196, 29-26.



Health, equity and environment

This work highlights the influence of social and material contexts on health outcomes, behaviours and equity and includes an emphasis on environmental as well as health-related injustices.

Recent publications


Social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of health

This research explores the spatial dynamics of infectious disease along with intersections between cultural, socio-economic and environmental influences on health and health-related decisions.

Recent publications



Environment and Society

School of Geography
Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5559