School of Geography: Environment, Health and Society Research Theme

Residents of a refugee camp in Bosnia wait in line for food distributed from Bihać Red Cross, while men wash themselves at the back of a water truck. This camp was situated directly on the location of a former landfill site and surrounded by landmines from the Yugoslav War. Photograph by Dr Thom Davies.
The Environment, Health, and Society research theme considers how environment-society relationships influence human and planetary wellbeing.
Spanning a diversity of landscapes, regions, spatial scales, and temporal perspectives (pasts, present and futures), our research furthers understanding of the interplay between socio-cultural, political, economic and environmental conditions and health, social, and environmental outcomes. We work to mobilise geographical knowledge to address inequalities and contribute towards a more just, sustainable, and resilient world.
Our work has been funded by The British Academy, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), ESRC, AHRC, Leverhulme Trust and government agencies, including Defra, Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, Welsh Government. Our research involves extensive collaboration with community partners and external organisations, currently including the UK Sports Institute (UKSI), Defra, Environment Agency and Nottingham City Council.
Key research areas
Social, cultural, and spatial dimensions of health
This area encompasses socio-environmental influences on health, health-related behaviours (for example, vaping), health inequities, historical geographies of health, spatial dynamics of infectious disease, and the relationships between climate change and health.
Sustainability, just transitions, and climate resilience
This area of focus includes research on environmental stewardship and behaviours, climate justice, policy dynamics and policy capacity, navigating just transitions and transformative change, managing and adapting to climate risks and Blue-Green futures and making space for nature.
Environmental governance, knowledge, and culture
The theme performs extensive research on rural landuse and culture, agri-food systems, colonialism in rural Britain, diverse knowledges and worldviews, and environmental governance and risk management.