Fluids and Thermal Engineering Research Group

International Heat Transfer Symposium and Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2016 (IHTS and HPC 2016)

Law and Social Sciences Buiding, University Park
Sunday 26th (08:30) - Thursday 30th June 2016 (13:00)
IHTS and HPC Conference - Group photo (3)

International Heat Transfer Symposium and Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2016 (IHTS and HPC 2016)

Post-conference review

We would like to take the time to say a massive 'Thank you' to Prof Yuying Yan and Dr Ian W Eames for chairing the IHTS and HPC 2016 Conference.

A warm thank you goes out to all the delegates and students that travelled to our Conference to make it a very enjoyable time. We've had excellent feedback from both sides of the conference.


Our conference photographer, Alex Wilkinson has released all our photos. To view the photos please see the relevant day below.

Sunday 26th June - Drinks Reception

Monday 27th June - Conference Opens

Tuesday 28th June - Conference Dinner at the Crowne Plaza


Conference: International Heat Transfer Symposium and Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2016

Date: 26-29 June 2016

Venue: Law and Social Science Building, University Park, Nottingham

Contact: Any enquiries, please contact the secretary office.

Fluids and Thermal Engineering Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
