George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research


RODERICK CI MACKENZIE, ANNA GORITZ, STEVE GREEDY, ELIZABETH VON HAUFF, JENNY NELSON, 2014. Theory of Stark spectroscopy transients from thin film organic semiconducting devices Physical Review B.

RAJEEV DATTANI, JAMES H. BANNOCK, ZHUPING FEI, RODERICK C. I. MACKENZIE, ANNE A. Y. GUILBERT, MICHELLE S. VEZIE, JENNY NELSON, JOHN C. DE MELLO, MARTIN HEENEY, JOÃO T. CABRALAB AND ALISYN J. NEDOMA, 2014. A general mechanism for controlling thin film structures in all-conjugated block copolymer:fullerene blends Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 14711-14719

SINGH R, ALUICIO-SARDUY E, KAN Z, YE T, MACKENZIE RCI, KEIVANIDIA PE, 2014. Fullerene-free organic solar cells with an efficiency of 3.7% based on a low-cost geometrically planar perylene diimide monomer Journal of Materials Chemistry A.

SIMS L, HORMANN U, HANFLAND R, MACKENZIE RCI, KOGLER FR, STEIM R, BRUTTING W, SCHILINSKY P, 2014. Investigation of the s-shape caused by the hole selective layer in bulk heterojunction solar cells Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications.

LASKARAKIS, A. and LOGOTHETIDIS, S., 2014. In-line monitoring and quality control of flexible organic electronic materials. In: Handbook of Flexible Organic Electronics: Materials, Manufacturing and Applications 227-251

THOMAS, D. W. P., OKE, O. A. and SMARTT, C., 2014. Statistical analysis in EMC using dimension reduction methods

KAMARUDDIN M.J., E LESTER, NGUYEN N.T., DIMITRAKIS G.A., EL HARFI J., BINNER E.R., KINGMAN S.W., ROBINSON J.P. and IRVINE D.J., 2014. Continuous and direct 'in situ' reaction monitoring of chemical reactions via dielectric property measurement: Controlled polymerisation RSC Advances.

NGUYEN N.T., GREENHALGH E., KAMARUDDIN M.J., EL HARFI J, CARMICHAEL K. and DIMITRAKIS G., 2014. Understanding the acceleration in the ring-opening of lactones delivered by microwave heating Tetrahedron.

ADLINGTON, K., MCSWEENEY, R., DIMITRAKIS, G., KINGMAN, S. W., ROBINSON, J. P. and IRVINE, D. J., 2014. Enhanced 'in situ' catalysis via microwave selective heating: Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation: RSC Advances RSC Advances. 4(31), 16172-16180

BINNER, E., MEDIERO-MUNOYERRO, M., HUDDLE, T., KINGMAN, S., DODDS, C., DIMITRAKIS, G., ROBINSON, J. and LESTER, E., 2014. Factors affecting the microwave coking of coals and the implications on microwave cavity design: Fuel Processing Technology Fuel Processing Technology. 125, 8-17

ADLINGTON, K., MCSWEENEY, R., DIMITRAKIS, G., KINGMAN, S. W., ROBINSON, J. P. and IRVINE, D. J., 2014. Enhanced 'in situ' catalysis via microwave selective heating: Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation: RSC Advances RSC Advances. 4(31), 16172-16180

BINNER, E., MEDIERO-MUNOYERRO, M., HUDDLE, T., KINGMAN, S., DODDS, C., DIMITRAKIS, G., ROBINSON, J. and LESTER, E., 2014. Factors affecting the microwave coking of coals and the implications on microwave cavity design: Fuel Processing Technology Fuel Processing Technology. 125, 8-17

ZNAMENÁČKOVÁ, I., DOLINSKÁ, S., LOVÁS, M., HREDZÁK, S. and DIMITRAKIS, G., 2014. Utilization of microwave radiation at the heating of magnesite: Inzynieria Mineralna Inzynieria Mineralna. 15(1), 175-182

PHANG, SENDY, VUKOVIC, ANA, SUSANTO, HADI, BENSON, TREVOR M and SEWELL, PHILLIP, 2014. Modelling of dispersive PT-symmetric Bragg grating In: Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics 2014, London, UK. 1-2

GAZZANA, D. S., BRETAS, A. S., DIAS, G. A. D., TELLÓ, M., THOMAS, D. W. P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2014. A study of human safety against lightning considering the grounding system and the evaluation of the associated parameters: Electric Power Systems Research Electric Power Systems Research.
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George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research

The Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
