George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research


GAZZANA, D. S., BRETAS, A. S., DIAS, G. A. D., TELLO, M., THOMAS, D. W. P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2014. The transmission line modeling method to represent the soil ionization phenomenon in grounding systems: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 50(2),

JIA, K., BI, T., LIU, B., THOMAS, D. and GOODMAN, A., 2014. Advanced islanding detection utilized in distribution systems with DFIG: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 63, 113-123

MENG, J., TEO, Y. X., THOMAS, D. W. P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2014. Fast Prediction of Transmission Line Radiated Emissions Using the Hertzian Dipole Method and Line-End Discontinuity Models: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.

SUMNER, M., ABUSORRAH, A., THOMAS, D. and ZANCHETTA, P., 2014. Real time parameter estimation for power quality control and intelligent protection of grid-connected power electronic converters: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 5(4), 1602-1607

ARNAUT, L. R., OBIEKEZIE, C. S. and THOMAS, D. W. P., 2014. Empirical emission eigenmodes of printed circuit boards: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 56(3), 715-725

MUSTAFA, T. I., PITZ, C. A., ALMAGUER, H. D., THOMAS, D. W. P., SANTOS, J. V., FLORES, F. T., CEREJA, J. E. and PUCHALE, L. H., 2014. An analysis of the performance of 245 kV circuit breakers applying the radiometric monitoring and the wavelet transform

OBIEKEZIE, C. S., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Complex locations of equivalent dipoles for improved characterization of radiated emissions: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 56(5), 1087-1094

ROSE, C., SUMNER, M., THOMAS, D. W. P. and CHRISTOPHER, E., 2014. Impedance sensitive STATCOM control for systems supported by renewable generation

PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., SUSANTO, H., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Impact of dispersive and saturable gain/loss on bistability of nonlinear parity-time Bragg gratings: Optics Letters Optics Letters. 39(9), 2603-2606

PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., SUSANTO, H., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Modelling of dispersive PT-symmetric Bragg grating

PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., SUSANTO, H., BENSON, T., CREIGH, S. and SEWELL, P., 2014. A Versatile all-Optical Signal Processing Device using a Positive and Negatively Kerr-Nonlinear Induced Parity-Time Bragg Grating (In Press.)

MENG, X., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T., 2014. Electromagnetic Behaviour of Carbon Fibre Composite Airfoils In: PIERS 2014, China.

PHANG, S.,, VUKOVIC, A.,, BENSON, T.,, CREAGH, S., and GRADONI, G.,, 2014. Impact of Saturable Gain/Loss in Coupled Parity-Time Symmetric Waveguides In: 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Graz, Austria. 1-6

GABRIELE GRADONI, JEN-HAO YEH, BO XIAO, THOMA ANTONSEN, STEVEN ANLAGE and EDWARD OTT, 2014. Predicting the statistics of wave transport through chaotic cavities by the random coupling model: A review and recent progress Wave Motion. 51(4), 606-621
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George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research

The Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
