GI and Liver Diseases Medical and Surgical Research
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Aravinthan, Aloysious D01158231214Associate Professor in HepatologyEnvelope Icon


Dainty, Rosemary0115 82 31031Assistant to Professor C J Hawkey - Snr Administrator, Nottingham Digestive Diseases CentreEnvelope Icon


Garratt, Jill0115 924 9924 70604Research Nurse BRUEnvelope Icon
Grove, Jane0115 82 31151Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Guha, Neil0115 924 9924Professor of HepatologyEnvelope Icon


Henry, Suzanne0115 924 9924 64415Research Nurse BRUEnvelope Icon
Horsepool, Natalien/aCoordinatorEnvelope Icon
Humes, David0115 823 1153Clinical Associate Professor in GI SurgeryEnvelope Icon


Jumbu, Govind0115 924 9924 64429Database ManagerEnvelope Icon


Lingaya, Melanie0115 924 9924 ext 64429Sample TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Lobo, Dileep0115 823 1155Professor of Gastrointestinal SurgeryEnvelope Icon
Logan, Richard0115 823 0452Professor of EpidemiologyEnvelope Icon


Mahida, Yashwantn/aProfessor of MedicineEnvelope Icon
Marciani, Luca0115 823 1248Professor of Gastrointestinal ImagingEnvelope Icon
Marshall, Denise0115 8231207Clinical Research FacilitatorEnvelope Icon
Monaghan, Tanya0115 9249924Clinical Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in GastroenterologyEnvelope Icon
Moran, Gordon+44 (0)115 9249924 ext 80608Professor of GastroenterologyEnvelope Icon


Palaniyappan, Naaventhan01158231033Clinical Associate Professor in HepatologyEnvelope Icon


Robinson, Karen0115 823 1094Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Ryder, Steven/aConsultant Physician in Hepatology and GastroenterologyEnvelope Icon


Shams Nateri, Abdolrahman0115 823 1306Associate Professor in Cancer Genetics & Stem CellsEnvelope Icon
Shepherd, Vic0115 924 9924 70605Senior Research Nurse BRUEnvelope Icon
Spiller, Robin07824328319Professor of GastroenterologyEnvelope Icon
Stapleton, Paulene0115 82 31088Executive Assistant to Faculty PVC for Medicine & Health SciencesEnvelope Icon


Taylor, Moira0115 9516104Associate Professor of Human Nutrition (Dietetics)Envelope Icon


Warburton, Sam0115 924 9924 70612Clinical Support Worker BRUEnvelope Icon
Wildsmith, Tracey0115 823 1072Research Nurse BRUEnvelope Icon

Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre

The University of Nottingham
E Floor, West Block, Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 82 31090