Hearing Sciences

PhD student Kathryn Fackrell awarded Dean Moore Postgraduate Prize (2014/15)


We are delighted to congratulate Kathryn Fackrell on being awarded the Dean Moore Postgraduate Prize for 2014/15, in recognition of the progress she has made with her research and her contribution to the postgraduate community.

The Dean Moore Scholarship was founded in 1949 by a bequest under the will of Mrs Florence Moore (née Dean) of Thorneywood, Nottingham, formerly a teacher at the Carlton Road School, Nottingham.

Kathryn will receive a cheque for £150 at a presentation event on 13 May 2015.

Kathryn started her PhD in October 2012, which focuses on evaluating current tinnitus assessment tools and validating a new tinnitus assessment questionnaire. (Read more.)

Posted on Tuesday 21st April 2015

Hearing Sciences

Mental Health & Clinical Neuroscience
School of Medicine
University of Nottingham
Medical School, QMC
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: University Park +44 (0) 115 74 86900
Ropewalk House +44 (0) 115 82 32600
Glasgow +44 (0) 141 242 9665
email: hearing-research@nottingham.ac.uk