Human Factors Research Group

Oculus Rift VR Demo to Design Students 

Davide Salanitri and Dr Glyn Lawson demonstrate the Oculus Rift VR kit to a product design student.

Recently, PhD student Davide Salanitri and supervisor Dr Glyn Lawson demonstrated the Oculus Rift to over 50 students on the Product Design and Manufacture degree course at The University of Nottingham. Students were given the chance to complete laps of a driving game to develop their awareness and understanding of the technology as part of a current design project.

Davide is using the Oculus Rift as part of his on-going research into trust in Virtual Reality.


Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040