Human Factors Research Group


LACUEVA-PEREZ, F. J., HERMAWATI, S., AMORAGA, P., SALILLAS-MARTINEZ, R., DEL HOYO ALONSO, R. and LAWSON, G., 2020. SHION: Towards An Interactive Digital Twin Supporting Shopfloor Operations on Real Time: IEEE Internet Computing IEEE Internet Computing.

ARGYLE, E.M., GOURLEY, J.J., KANG, Z. and SHEHAB, R.L., 2020. Investigating the relationship between eye movements and situation awareness in weather forecasting Applied Ergonomics. 85,

SANDHU, T., ARGYLE, E.M. and SHARPLES, S., 2020. Factors Influencing Perceptions of Productivity Associated with Digital Manufacturing Technology In: Proceedings of the Ergonomics and Human Factors (EHF) 2020 Conference.

BARNARD, M. P., PAMPEL, S., BURNETT, G., ALLEN, H. A. and CHAPMAN, P., 2020. How do drivers recall positive and negative driving events? A quantitative approach to analysing driving diaries: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 69, 28-37

HELLEWELL, J. S., POPOV, A. A. and BURNETT, G. E., 2020. Hierarchical Control for Trajectory Generation and Tracking Via Active Front Steering: Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the Asme Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the Asme. 142(1), 10

PAMPEL, S. M., SOUTHEY, T. J. R. and BURNETT, G., 2020. Understanding the distraction and behavioural adaptations of drivers when experiencing failures of digital side mirrors: Iet Intelligent Transport Systems Iet Intelligent Transport Systems. 14(7), 775-782

GABBARD, J. L., SMITH, M., MERENDA, C., BURNETT, G. and LARGE, D. R., 2020. A Perceptual Color-Matching Method for Examining Color Blending in Augmented Reality Head-Up Display Graphics: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

HEATH, T. and PAVLAKI, E., 2020. Enhancing the Identity of Cities Through Creative Media Installations. In: POMEROY, J., ed., Cities of Opportunities: Connecting Culture and Innovation Routledge. 52-69

DU, H. and HEATH, T., 2020. Humanitarian Architecture and the Creation of Schools for Disadvantaged Communities in China In: In: R. Lastman (ed.), AMPS Proceedings 19.1. The City and Complexity: Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment.. 83-92

CHEN, P. and HEATH, T., 2020. A New Strategy for China’s Urban Villages: perfect solution or a temporary fix? In: In: R. Lastman (ed.), AMPS Proceedings 19.1. The City and Complexity: Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment.. 203-221

LI, S. and HEATH, T., 2020. Achieving Contextual Sensitivity: an organic approach of British urban industrial heritage regeneration In: In: R. Lastman (ed.), AMPS Proceedings 19.2. The City and Complexity: Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment.. 334-345

KOU, Z. and HEATH, T., 2020. Vertical Public Realms: a new spatial typology for contemporary urban challenges In: In: R. Lastman (ed.), AMPS Proceedings 19.1. The City and Complexity: Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment.. 108-118

AHMADPOOR, N., SMITH, A. D. and HEATH, T., 2020. Rethinking legibility in the era of digital mobile maps: an empirical study: Journal of Urban Design Journal of Urban Design. 1-23


HEATH, T., 2020. Keynote: Vertical Urban Landscapes after the Covid Pandemic In: ISLA2020: Changing Landscape Architecture in the Age of Globalization, Wuhan, China.
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Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040