Human Factors Research Group


JASON ATKIN, CHRISTOFAS STERGIANOS, ELIZABETH M. ARGYLE. and GEERT DE MAERE, 2018. Pruning for the QPPTW airport ground movement algorithm In: Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling 2018. (In Press.)

VASILEVA, R., RODRIGUES, L., HUGHES, N., GREENHALGH, C., GOULDEN, M. and TENNISON, J., 2018. What Smart Campuses Can Teach Us about Smart Cities: User Experiences and Open Data Information. 9(10), p.251

GALVEZ TRIGO, MARIA JOSE, STANDEN, PENELOPE and COBB, SUE, 2018. Why are Educational Robots Not Being Used in Special Education Schools Despite Proof That They are Beneficial for Their Students? In: Proc. 12 th ICDVRAT with ITAG. 47-54

LARGE, D. R., BURNETT, G., MORRIS, A., MUTHUMANI, A. and MATTHIAS, R., 2018. A longitudinal simulator study to explore drivers’ behaviour during highly-automated driving

LARGE, D. R., BURNETT, G., MORRIS, A., MUTHUMANI, A. and MATTHIAS, R., 2018. A Longitudinal Simulator Study to Explore Drivers' Behaviour During Highly-Automated Driving. In: STANTON, N. A., ed., Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation 597. Springer International Publishing Ag. 583-594

TOPLISS, B. H., PAMPEL, S. M., BURNETT, G., SKRYPCHUK, L. and HARE, C., 2018. Establishing the role of a virtual lead vehicle as a novel augmented reality navigational aid

HELLEWELL, J. S., POPOV, A. A. and BURNETT, G. E., 2018. Hierarchical model predictive control with human factor constraints

HADI, Y., HEATH, T. and OLDFIELD, P., 2018. Gardens in the sky: Emotional experiences in the communal spaces at height in the Pinnacle@Duxton, Singapore Emotion, Space and Society. 28, 104-113

AHMADPOOR, N. and HEATH, T., 2018. Data and GPS Systems: comparing navigation and landmark knowledge between GPS users and non-GPS users. In: KARANDINOU, A., ed., Data, Architecture and the Experience of Place Routledge. 130-156

SHOLIHAH, A.B. and HEATH, T., 2018. Traditional Streetscape Adaptability: Gentrification and endurance of business Asian Journal of Behavioural Studies. 3(13), 180-189



LIANG, R., SUN, Y., ABURAS, M., WILSON, R. and WU, Y., 2018. Evaluation of the thermal and optical performance of thermochromic windows for office buildings in China: Energy and Buildings Energy and Buildings. 176, 216-231

SUN, Y., SHANKS, K., BAIG, H., ZHANG, W., HAO, X., LI, Y., HE, B., WILSON, R., LIU, H., SUNDARAM, S., ZHANG, J., XIE, L., MALLICK, T. and WU, Y., 2018. Integrated semi-transparent cadmium telluride photovoltaic glazing into windows: Energy and daylight performance for different architecture designs: Applied Energy Applied Energy. 231, 972-984

RENAUDIN, M., BOUZAFOUR, A., ENGELS, S. and WILSON, R., 2018. A 6-wire plug and play clockless distributed on-chip-sensor network in 28 nm UTBB FD-SOI: Journal of Low Power Electronics Journal of Low Power Electronics. 14(3), 404-413
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Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040