Institute for Name-Studies

 INS Research Seminars

The INS Research Seminar is usually held online, and is open to students and staff at the University of Nottingham.


October 2024:

Special in-person seminar with Professor Mariana Dolynska and Dr Orysia Vira (Ukrainian Catholic University). Date to be confirmed soon.

Autumn 2024:

Peter McClure (University of Nottingham) (date to be confirmed)

Richard Jones (University of Leicester) (date to be confirmed)

Spring 2025:

Chris Callow (University of Birmingham) (date to be confirmed)



12 June 2024

Richard Coates, 'The Naming of Archaeological Sites: The Case of Hampshire Hillforts'

21 March 2024

Per Vikstrand, ‘Swedish tuna and Anglo-Saxon tūn - is there a connection?’

Paul Cavill, 'Addenda and Corrigenda to A New Dictionary of English Place-Names'

27 November 2023

Joshua Neal, ‘The Anglo-Scandinavian by(r)-names Corpus: Groups and Outliers’

Paul Cavill, 'Addenda and Corrigenda to A New Dictionary of English Place-Names'

20 March 2023

David N. Parsons, ‘Loanwords in Place-Names: Some Reflections (Mostly) from the Anglo-Welsh Borderlands’ 

31 October 2022

Kathryn Bullen, ‘Axholme Place-Names: Community Engagement’ 

Jeremy Harte, ‘Phantom Footprints: Tracing the Supernatural in Place-Names’ 

21 September 2022

David Pelteret, ‘Some Problematic Bynames in the Exeter Quittance Records’ 

Susan Kilby, ‘More on mōr’ 

31 March 2022 

Ayokunmi Ojebode, ‘Quest for Alter/Native: At Crossroads of African and English Names in Love’s Unlike Lading: A Comedy from Shakespeare’ 

James Chetwood, ‘Personal names, community identity and collective memory in medieval England’ 

3 November 2021

Jessica Treacher, ‘Timber Toponyms: place-name evidence for the use of trees as a managed resource in Early Medieval England’ 

Oliver J. Padel, ‘Suspicious proximity in English place-names’ 








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