Institute for Name-Studies

Abutting | Abuttans

…alia vero acra abbuttat sup[er] Middelgate et dimidia acra iacet sup[er] Carlehilwongerode…

…alia vero acra abbuttat sup[er] Middelgate et dimidia acra iacet sup[er] Carlehilwongerode…
May 20, 2019
...another acre abuts onto Middelgate, and half an acre lies on Carlehilwongerode…

5.4 UoN Sp. Coll. NeD/1899

…ex p[ar]te occidental[e] et abuttant sup[er] fulbeck…

…ex p[ar]te occidental[e] et abuttant sup[er] fulbeck…
May 20, 2019
…on the west side, and they abut onto fulbeck…

5.2 UoN Sp. Coll NeD/916

…in latitudine quadraginta pedes buttante[m] sup[er] mirefurlong…

…in latitudine quadraginta pedes buttante[m] sup[er] mirefurlong…
May 20, 2019
…forty feet wide, abutting onto mirefurlong…

5.3 UoN Sp. Coll. NeD/1866

…in longitudine abbutat sup[er] Mosse de Krewker[e] et alt[er]a finis abbutat vsq[ue] Tapforde…

…in longitudine abbutat sup[er] Mosse de Krewker[e] et alt[er]a finis abbutat vsq[ue] Tapforde…
May 20, 2019
…it abuts in length on the mosse of Krewker' and the other end abuts up to Tapforde…

5.1 SRO/D(W)1733/A/2/40

…vnam rodam sup[er] le Blakerodes in campo de Blacclif abuttante[m] sup[er] le Synderlandes…

…vnam rodam sup[er] le Blakerodes in campo de Blacclif abuttante[m] sup[er] le Synderlandes…
May 20, 2019
…one rood on le Blakerodes in the field of Blacclif, abutting onto le Synderlandes…

5.5 UoN Sp. Coll. PaD/6
Displaying 1 to 5 of 5

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