Grainge, P. Brand Hollywood: Selling Entertainment in a Global Media Age. London: Routledge, 2008.
Johnson, C. Branding Television. London: Routledge, 2012.
Grainge, P., ed. Ephemeral Media: Transitory Screen Culture from Television to YouTube, London: British Film Institute, 2011.
Grainge, P. ‘Elvis Sings for the BBC: Broadcast Branding and Digital Media Design’. Media, Culture and Society, 2010, 32(1), 45-61.
Johnson, C. ‘From Brand Congruence to the ‘Virtuous Circle”: Branding and the Commercialization of Public Service Broadcasting’. Media, Culture and Society, 2013, 35(3), 314-331.
Grainge, P. ‘A Song and Dance: Branded Entertainment and Mobile Promotion’. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 2012, 15(2), 165-180.
Johnson, C. ‘The Authorial Function of the Television Channel: augmentation and identity’. In Gray, J. and Johnson D., eds., A Companion to Media Authorship, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
Johnson, C. ‘The Continuity of “Continuity”: flow and the changing experience of watching broadcast television’, Keywords: a journal of cultural materialism, October 2013.
Catherine Johnson and Paul Grainge have produced a range of blogs about this project:
Catherine Johnson, ‘The Mutual Benefits of Engaging with Industry’: http://cstonline.tv/mutual-benefits
Catherine Johnson, ‘“It’s Showtime!” and All That Jazz: promotion Christmas on the telly’:http://cstonline.tv/its-showtime
Catherine Johnson, ‘Creativity, Collaboration and Competition: what an industry conference might tell us about industrial self-reflexivity’:http://cstonline.tv/creativity-collaboration
Catherine Johnson, ‘The Art of Promotion: Planet Earth Live’:http://cstonline.tv/planet-earth-live
Paul Grainge, ‘Mascot Media: Framing the London Olympics,’ blog post on the media academic website, Antenna, 25 June 2012: http://blog.commarts.wisc.edu/2012/06/25/mascot-media-framing-the-london-olympics