Institute for Screen Industries Research

Current ISIR Projects

Industrial Approaches to Media - Matthew Freeman, Sam Ward, Leora Hadas, Ash Harkin

User Engagements with Online Viewing Services  - Dr Elizabeth Evans, Prof. Paul McDonald

TV and Digital Promotion: Agile Strategies for a New Media Ecology Dr Catherine Johnson,  Dr Paul Grainge

Archived Projects

The following is a small sample of ISIR’s work to illustrate the quality and effectiveness (range and scope, approaches to solution generation) of the projects carried out by ISIR staff. This is only an indicative sample as new projects are constantly being developed. Drilled down data and details are available in the actual project deliverables. These range from white-papers, reports, and corporate presentations to longer form publications such as books and PhD dissertations. The case studies include samples from staff-led work, PhD student work and ISIR’s own talent development programme for our students. All research carried out at ISIR is covered by confidentially and IP agreements with industry partners as deemed necessary by all involved according to the nature, scope and deliverables for each project.  

Studios and Spaces of Production in the Digital Era: Global Challenges and Local Opportunities for the Screen Industry 
Television and the multi-screen household  
Connecting viewers with content 
Production challenges: global markets, local practices  
Film location support organisations in Asia: Growth and prospects for collaboration  
PhD project summary - Film downloading: audience attitudes and behaviour 



Institute for Screen Industries Research

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD