Law and Tech Discussion Group

Law and Tech Discussion Group

The Law and Tech Discussion Group brings together researchers with interests in the impact of emerging technologies on existing approaches to law, regulation, and governance. It explores the social, economic and political changes emerging technologies bring and seeks to understand their effects, novelty, and significance in relation to diverse areas of law.

The Discussion Group hosts a regular external speaker series and supports the Law and Tech Reading Group within the School of Law. It also acts as a network across the School of Law and throughout the University of Nottingham for those interested in legal and regulatory frameworks applicable to technological developments.

The Discussion Group is broad and inclusive, with members across the university, and values interdisciplinarity and methodological diversity. Members of the group also welcome opportunities to explore ideas for collaboration and joint funding applications together.

Law and Tech asks whether law can adapt or reform in light of rapid change, which is potentially disruptive of the concepts and assumptions that underlie the law. It raises important questions about the capacity and limitations of law as a form of regulation and governance.

The Law and Tech Discussion Group is led by Dr Oliver Butler. There are currently over 10 members of academic staff with law and tech research interests and the Postgraduate Research cohort contains a substantial number of students with law and tech interests.

Law and Tech Discussion Group

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD