Medicine Safety and Effective Healthcare Research

Professor Tony Avery appointed to the NIHR PPI Senior Leadership Team


Professor Tony Avery has been appointed as a member of the NIHR Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Senior Leadership Team.  

Chaired by the NIHR National Director for Patients and the Public in Research, the NIHR PPI Senior Leadership Team brings together the Directors of PPI in each of the NIHR’s Co-ordinating Centres, public contributors and other senior staff.  

The role and responsibilities of this decision-making group are to:

  • Provide clear and visible leadership for public involvement, participation and engagement activities across the NIHR
  • Develop and oversee NIHR's corporate aims, objectives and goals in public involvement, engagement and partnership
  • Implement the 'Going the Extra Mile' report and recommendations
  • Improve the co-ordination of public-facing activities across the NIHR
  • Set priorities and determine the best resource allocation for delivering these effectively
  • Build and develop capacity and capability for public involvement, engagement and participation work across the NIHR system
  • Establish clear mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation and reporting (inc. NIHR annual report)

The Team will work collaboratively with colleagues and public contributors to meet its objectives.


Posted on Wednesday 1st August 2018

Medicine Safefy and Effective Healthcare Research

The University of Nottingham
School of Medicine

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 0209