Work Packages
Work Package 1: Measuring serious harm, and economic impact, associated with hazardous prescribing (Lead: Professor Darren Ashcroft)
Further information on WP1
Work Package 2: Evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intervention involving the introduction of a set of prescribing safety indicators to computerised clinical decision support (CDS) software (OptimiseRx) in reducing hazardous prescribing in general practices (Lead: Professor Niels Peek)
Further information on WP2
Work Package 3: Evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a pharmacist-led IT-based intervention (PINCER) when widely implemented in general practice to reduce the prevalence of patients exposed to hazardous prescribing, and the incidence of serious harm (Lead: Professor Tony Avery)
Further information on WP3
Work Package 4: Generating recommendations for national roll-out of prescribing safety indicator based interventions i.e. CDS software (WP2) and PINCER (WP3) by developing learning about the key technical, organisational and policy factors that influence sustained implementation and operation in general practice settings (Leads: Dr Richard Keers, Professor Aziz Sheikh and Professor Justin Waring)
Further information on WP4
Economic evaluation: Determine whether the approaches described above to the use of prescribing safety indicators are a cost-effective way of reducing hazardous prescribing (and avoiding patient harm). More precise models will be developed and incorporated (in WP1) to better determine the economic impact of both CDS (WP2) and PINCER (WP3) to enable the NHS to make more informed investment decisions (WP4) (Lead: Professor Rachel Elliott)
Further information on economic evaluation