Youth mental health and wellbeing:
- Michail M and Tait L. 2016. Exploring general practitioners’ views and experiences on suicide risk assessment and management of young people in primary care: a qualitative study in the UK BMJ Open
- Birchwood, M., Michail, M., Meaden, A., Tarrier, N., Lewis, S., Wykes, T., Davies, L and Peters, E. 2014. The MRC COMMAND trial: results of a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of cognitive therapy to prevent harmful compliance with command hallucinations The Lancet Psychiatry. 1(1), 23-33
- Michail, M and Birchwood, M. 2014. Social anxiety disorder in first-episode psychosis: The role of childhood trauma and adult attachment Journal of Affective Disorders. 163, 102-109
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- Michail, M., Birchwood, M and Tait, L. 2014. A systematic review and meta-analysis of cognitive-behaviour therapy for social anxiety disorder in psychosis Systematic Reviews. 3(62)
- Tait, L and Michail, M. 2014. Educational interventions for general practitioners to identify and manage depression as a suicide risk factor in young people: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol Systematic Review. 3(145)
- Michail, M and Birchwood, M. 2013. Social anxiety and shame cognitions in psychosis Psychological Medicine. 43(1), 133-142
- Lester, H., Birchwood, M., Freemantle, N., Michail, M and Tait, L. 2009. REDIRECT: cluster randomized controlled trial of GP training in first-episode psychosis British Journal of General Practice. 59(563), e183-e190
- Michail, M and Birchwood, M. 2009. Social anxiety disorder in first-episode psychosis: incidence, phenomenology and relationship with paranoia British Journal of Psychiatry. 195(3), 234-241
- Manning, J.C., Bingham, V. & Woods, D. (2016) Establishing Patient-centred Outcomes for Acute Inpatient Care of Adolescents with Mental Health Problems. Journal of Adolescent Health. 58(2). p.S59
- Manning, J.C., Latif, A., Carter, T., Cooper, J., Horsley, A., Armstrong, M. & Wharrad, H. (2015) ‘Our Care through Our Eyes’: a mixed-methods, evaluative study of a service-user, co-produced education programme to improve inpatient care of children and young people admitted following self-harm. BMJ Open. 5(12):e009680
- Manning, J.C., Bean, D., Coad, J., Blake, I., Bingham, V., Cooper, J., Carter, T., Turner, A., Hendron, E., Michail, M., Rychwalska-Brown, L., Wood, D. & Latter, K. (2015) Evaluating quality and impact of acute paediatric inpatient care: Defining the domains for a Person Centred Outcome Measure (PCOM) in children and young people admitted with self-harm or eating disorders. NHS England, London, UK
- Carter, T., Morres, I., Meade, O. and Callaghan, P. (in press) The effect of exercise on depressive symptoms in adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Carter, T., Guo, B., Turner, D., Morres, I., Khalil, E., Brighton, E., Armstrong, M. and Callaghan, P. (2015) Preferred intensity exercise for adolescents receiving treatment for depression: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 15 (1), 247
- Carter, T., Morres, I., Repper, J. and Callaghan, P. (2015) Exercise for adolescents with depression: valued aspects and perceived change. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing. 23 (1), 37-44
Health humanities:
- Crawford, P., Brown, B., Baker, C., Tischler, V. & Abrams, B. (2015) Health Humanities. Palgrave: London
- Crawford, P., Brown, B.& Harvey, K. (2014) Corpus linguistics and evidence-based health communication, Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication, Hamilton, H.E. & Chou, W.S. (eds). London and New York: Routledge. 75-90
- Crawford, P., Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J., Gale, C. & Harvey, K. (2013) The language of compassion in acute mental health care. Qualitative Health Research 23 (6):719-27
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- Crawford, P., Lewis, L., Brown, B. & Manning, N. (2013) Creative Practice as Mutual Recovery in Mental Health. Mental Health Review Journal 18 (2): 44-64
- Baker, C., Crawford, P., Carter, R., Lipsedge, M. & Brown, B. (2010) Madness in Post-1945 British and American Fiction. Palgrave: London
- Crawford, P., Brown, B., Tischler, V. & Baker, C. (2010) Health Humanities: The future of medical humanities? Mental Health Review Journal 15 (3): 4-10
- Brown, B & Crawford, P. (2007) Personality disorder in UK mental health care: Language, legitimation and the psychodynamics of surveillance. In R. Iedema (ed.) The Discourse of Hospital Communication: Tracing Complexities in Contemporary Health Care Organisations. Palgrave: London. 109-137
- Brown, B., Crawford, P. & Carter, R. (2006) Evidence-based Health Communication. Open University Press: Maidenhead
- Crawford, P., Brown, B & Bonham, P. (2006) Communication in Clinical Settings. Nelson Thornes: Cheltenham
- Crawford, R., Brown, B. & Crawford, P. (2004) Storytelling in Therapy. Nelson Thornes: Cheltenham
Psychosocial exploration of mental health and wellbeing:
- Bower, P., Roberts, C., O'Leary, N., Callaghan, P., Bee, P., Fraser, C., Gibbons, C., Olleveant, N., Rogers, A., Davies, L., Drake, R., Sanders, C., Meade, O., Grundy, A., Walker, L., Cree, L., Berzins, K., Brooks, H., Beatty, S., Cahoon, P., Rolfe, A. and Lovell, K., 2015. A cluster randomised controlled trial and process evaluation of a training programme for mental health professionals to enhance user involvement in care planning in service users with severe mental health issues (EQUIP): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 16, 348
- Callaghan, P., Khalil, E., Morres, I. and Carter, T., 2011. Pragmatic randomised controlled trial of preferred intensity exercise in women living with depression. BMC Public Health. 11, 465
- Callaghan, P., Khalil, E. & Morres, I., 2010. A Prospective Evaluation of the Transtheoretical Model of Change applied to exercise in young people. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47, 3-12
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- Carter, T., Callaghan, P Khalil, E.,. and Morres, I., 2012. The effectiveness of a preferred intensity exercise programme on the mental health outcomes of young people with depression: a sequential mixed methods evaluation. BMC Public Health. 12, 187
- Carter, R., Morres, I., Repper, J. and Callaghan, P. (2016). Exercise for adolescents with depression: valued aspects and perceived change. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing .23(1):37-44
- Carter, T., Guo, G., Morres, I., Khalil, E., Brighton, E., Armstrong, M. and Callaghan, P., 2015. Preferred intensity exercise for adolescents receiving treatment for depression: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 14; 15:247
- Dainty, A.D., Fox, M., Lewis, N., Hunt, M., Holtham, E., Timmons, S., Kinsella, P., Wragg, A. and Callaghan, P. 2014. A mixed methods feasibility study to evaluate the use of a low-intensity, nurse-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. BMJ Open; 4:e005262
- Grundy, A., Bee, P., Meade, O., Callaghan, P., Beatty, S., Olleveant, N. and Lovell, K., 2015. Bringing meaning to user involvement in mental health care planning: a qualitative exploration of service user perspectives. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 23(1), 12-21
- Hasan, A.A., Callaghan, P. & Lymn, J.S. 2014. Evaluation of the impact of a psycho-educational intervention on knowledge levels and psychological outcomes for people diagnosed with schizophrenia and their caregivers in Jordan: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 17
- Ibrahim, N., Michail, M. & Callaghan, P. 2014. The strengths based approach as a service delivery model for severe mental illness: a meta-analysis of clinical trials. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 243
- Keogh, B., Higgins, A., Devries, J., Morrissey, J., Callaghan, P., Ryan, D. Gijbels, H. and Nash, M. 2014 ‘We have got the tools’: Qualitative evaluation of a mental Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) education programme in Ireland. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21, 189-196
- Repper, J. and Carter, T., 2011. A review of the literature on peer support in mental health services. Journal of Mental Health. 20(4), 392-411
- Wright, N., Callaghan, P. and Bartlett, P. 2011. Mental health service users and practitioners’ experiences of engagement in assertive outreach: a qualitative study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 18(9):822-32
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