CRABTREE, A., BENFORD, S.D. and RODDEN, T.A., 2004. Moving with the times: IT research and the boundaries of CSCW Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing. 14(3), 217-251
CRABTREE, A. and RODDEN, T., 2004. Domestic routines and design for the home Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). 13(2), 191-220
STEED, A., MACCOLL, I., RANDELL, C., BROWN, B., CHALMERS, M. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2004. Models of Space in a Mixed Reality System In: 8th International Conference on Information Visualisation.
CRABTREE, A., BENFORD, S.D., RODDEN, T.A., GREENHALGH, C.M., FLINTHAM, M., ANASTASI, R., DROZD, A., ADAMS, M., ROW-FARR, J., TANDAVANITJ, N. and STEED, A., 2004. Orchestrating a mixed reality game 'on the ground' In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2004. 391-398
HUMBLE,J., GREENHALGH,C.M., HAMPSHIRE,A., MULLER,H. and RENNICKEGGLESTON,S., 2004. A Generic Architecture for Sensor Data Integration with the GRID In: First International Workshop on Scientific Applictions of Grid Computing: SAG04, Beijing, China, September 20-24, 2004. 99-107
TENNENT, PAUL, 2004. Augmenting Observation of Location Aware Systems In: 2004 Workshop on Location-Aware Computing Adjacent to UbiComp2004. 2
RODDEN, T. CRABTREE, A, HEMMINGS, T, KOLEVA, B, HUMBLE, J, ÅKESSON, K and HANSSON, P., 2004. Between the dazzle of a new building and its eventual corpse: assembling the ubiquitous home In: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems. 71-80
CRABTREE, A., RODDEN, T.A. and MARIANI, J., 2004. Collaborating Around Collections: Informing the Continued Development of Photoware In: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 396-405
RODDEN, T.A., CRABTREE, A., HEMMINGS, T., KOLEVA, B., HUMBLE, J., KESSON, K.P. and HANSSON, P., 2004. Configuring the Ubiquitous Home In: Cooperative Systems Design: Scenario-Based Design of Collaborative Systems. 227-241
GREENHALGH, C.M., IZADI, S., MATHRICK, J., HUMBLE, J. and TAYLOR, I., 2004. ECT - A Toolkit to Support Rapid Construction on Ubicomp Environments In: System Support for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop - UbiSys04.
UNDERWOOD, J., LUCKIN, R., FITZPATRICK, G., STEED, A., SPINELLO, S., GREENHALGH, C.M., EGGLESTONE, S. and HAMPSHIRE, A., 2004. From e-Science for Children to e-Services for Educators In: Grid Learning Services (GLS04) Workshop at ITS2004.
TALLYN, E., STANTON, D., BENFORD, S.D., ROWLAND, D., KIRK, D., PAXTON, M., SMITH, H., PRICE, S., FITZPATRICK, G. and LUCKIN, R., 2004. Introducing e-science to the classroom In: UK e-Science All Hands.
GREEN, J., PRIDMORE, T.P., BENFORD, S.D. and GHALI, A., 2004. Location and recognition of flashlight projections for visual interfaces In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
CAPRA, M., AQUINO, M., BENFORD, S.D. and DODSON, A., 2004. Mixed reality on civil engineering In: Ubicomp 2004.
ORMEROD, T, MARIANI, J, MORLEY, N, RODDEN, T, CRABTREE, A, MATHRICK, J and HITCH, G. LEWIS, K., 2004. Mixing research methods in HCI: a case study In: The 9th IFIP Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction.
CROWE, J., HAYES-GILL, B., SUMNER, N., BARRATT, C., PALETHORPE, B., GREENHALGH, C.M., STORZ, O., FRIDAY, A., HUMBLE, J., SETCHELL, C., RANDELL, C. and MULLER, H., 2004. Modular Sensor Architecture for Unobtrusive Routine Clinical Diagnosis In: International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing.
CRABTREE, A., BENFORD, S., RODDEN, T., FLINTHAM, M., ANASTASI, R., DROZD, A., ADAMS, M., TANDAVANITJ, N., ROW-FARR, J., STEED, A. and GREENHALGH, C., 2004. Moving Out of the Control Room: Decentralizing Orchestration of a Mixed Reality Game In: Proceedings Of The 2004 CHI Conference On Human Factors In Computing Systems. 391-398
CRABTREE, A., BENFORD, S.D., RODDEN, T.A., GREENHALGH, C.M., FLINTHAM, M., ANASTASI, R., DROZD, A., ADAMS, M., ROW-FARR, J., TANDAVANITJ, N. and STEED, A., 2004. Orchestrating a mixed reality game 'on the ground' In: The 2004 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 391-398
BENFORD, S.D., CRABTREE, A., FLINTHAM, M., ROWLAND, D., GAVER, W., ADAMS, M., ROW-FARR, J., TANDAVANITJ, N. and OLDROYD, A., 2004. Provoking reflection through artistic games In: 2004 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
FRASER, M., BOWERS, J., BRUNDELL, P., O’MALLEY, C., REEVES, S., BENFORD, S., CIOLFI, L., FERRIS, K., GALLAGHER, P., HALL, T. and OTHERS, 2004. Re-tracing the past: mixing realities in museum settings Proc. ACE 2004.
PALETHORPE, B., HAYES-GILL, B., CROWE, J., SUMNER, M., CROUT, N., FOSTER, M., REID, T., BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C. and LAYBOURN-PARRY, J., 2004. Real-time physical data acquisition through a remote sensing platform on a polar lake Limnology and Oceanography-Methods. 2, 191-201
CHALMERS, MATTHEW and TENNENT, PAUL, 2004. Recording and Reusing Mobile Game Play, In Games And Social Networks: A Workshop On Multiplayer Games In: Adjacent To The 18th British Hci Group Annual Conference.
GUTWIN, C., BENFORD, S., DYCK, J., FRASER, M., VAGHI, I. and GREENHALGH, C., 2004. Revealing Delay in Collaborative Environments In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing. 503-510
CHALMERS, MATTHEW, BELL, MAREK, HALL, MALCOLM, SHERWOOD, SCOTT and TENNENT, PAUL, 2004. Seamful Games Adjunct Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. on Ubiquitous Computing. 7-10
BENFORD, S., SEAGAR, W., FLINTHAM, M, ANASTASI, R., ROWLAND, D., HUMBLE, J., STANTON, D., BOWERS, J., TANDAVANITJ, N., ADAMS, M., ROW FARR, J., OLDROYD, A. and SUTTON, J., 2004. The Error of Our Ways: The Experience of Self-Reported Position in a Location-Based Game Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3205, 70-87
BENFORD, S.D., SEAGAR, W., FLINTHAM, M., ANASTASI, R., ROWLAND, D. and HUMBLE, J., 2004. The error of our ways - the experience of self-reported position in a location-based game In: Sixth Annual Conference on Ubiquitous Computing - UbiComp2004.
BENFORD, S., SEAGER, W., FLINTHAM, M., ANASTASI, R., ROWLAND, D., HUMBLE, J., STANTON, D., BOWERS, J., TANDAVANITJ, N. and ADAMS, M., 2004. The error of our ways: the experience of self-reported position in a location-based game: UbiComp 2004: Ubiquitous Computing UbiComp 2004: Ubiquitous Computing. 70-87
SCHNÄDELBACH, H., KOLEVA, B., TWIDALE, M. and BENFORD, S.D., 2004. The iterative design process of a location-aware device for group use In: UbiComp 2004. The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Nottingham, England, 7-10 September 2004. 329-346
BENFORD, S., FLINTHAM, M., DROZD, A., ANASTASI, R., ROWLAND, D., TANDAVANITJ, N., OLDROYD, A., SUTTON, J. and OLDROYD, A., 2004. Uncle Roy All Around You: Implicating the city in a location-based performance: Strategy Strategy.