NCARE (Nottingham Centre for the Advancement of Research into Supportive, Palliative and End-of-life Care)

Evaluation of the National End of Life Care Programme (second phase)

Project Duration

July 2006 – September 2007


NHS End of Life Care Programme

Project Staff

  • Jane Seymour (PI) 1
  • Kathryn Almack 1
  • Arun Kumar 1
  • Karen Cox 1

Staff Institutions

  1. The University of Nottingham


The following research questions were developed to address this overarching aim: 

  • How has the Programme been structured and organised to deliver its aims, and what issues have been encountered in its work in Phase 2 of development since the last evaluation? 
  • What are respondents' views about the Programme? With special reference to: 
    - The processes and outcomes of partnership working 
    - Intended and achieved outcomes for people affected by palliative and end of life care needs? 
  • What are respondents' views about the sustainability and future of the Programme? 
  • How has the Programme sought to influence outcomes for individuals and carers affected by end of life care needs, across the steps of the end of life care pathway, in terms of its educational, practice development and policy activities, website and resource development? 
  • What recommendations for the future evolution of the Programme can be delineated from collaborative discussion of the findings with commissioners of the evaluation?


Interviews with key stakeholders (n = up to20): individuals who are active in shaping the direction of the Programme or are involved as partners in its work. 

Focus groups with local staff (3): Involving staff within selected localities who are responsible for the implementation of the Programme at local level to understand how the local implementation of the programme has changed practice and the challenges they face. These case studies will also involve staff in the local cancer and palliative networks to participate in focus groups to gather their views of the Programme. 

Scoping exercise: A documentary analysis of the Programme publications and website, examining documents and resources produced by the Programme since the launch of the EoLC Strategy, including website resources which shed light on partnership working and relating to activities, education or publications that focus on outcomes for individuals and carers.

Outcomes and Findings

Final report under development.

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NCARE (Nottingham Centre for the Advancement of Research into Supportive, Palliative and End-of-life Care)

University of Nottingham
School of Health Sciences
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA
