NCARE (Nottingham Centre for the Advancement of Research into Supportive, Palliative and End-of-life Care)

Evaluating neurological specific care services for patients with Huntington's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis

Project Duration

July 2012 - December 2012


Sue Ryder Care

Project Staff

  • Aimee Aubeeluck 1
  • Eleanor Wilson 1

Staff Institutions

  1. The University of Nottingham


To provide an in-depth review of the literature that relates to specialist rehabilitation and support services for people with long-term and progressive neurological conditions alongside an evaluation of specialist service provision at two Sue Ryder sites.


A service evaluation of three Sue Ryder sites was carried out. The evaluation utilised focus groups, individual interviews, field notes, observation and photographs to gather information from a range of staff members, residents and family carers.

Outcomes and Findings

Sue Ryder provides specialist rehabilitation and support services for people with long-term and progressive neurological conditions that are holistic and tailored to individual needs. Care provision is proactive in ensuring that adjustments in care are appropriate, timely and well suited to the individual and their family. Staff are well trained and up to date with their knowledge of neurological diseases and are 'experts' in providing appropriate care with dignity and compassion. Such services have the potential to improve safety and quality of life for the individuals within their care. 

It is recommended that an in-depth audit of service provision is carried out in order to begin to identify the benefits and savings in terms of financial costs that may be attributed to proactive, person centred and tailored care.



NCARE (Nottingham Centre for the Advancement of Research into Supportive, Palliative and End-of-life Care)

University of Nottingham
School of Health Sciences
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA
